Example sentences of "she had [vb pp] so " in BNC.

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1 She must have passed out , but then she had drunk so little .
2 She had grown so tall and disrespectful that the old woman was afraid to hit her .
3 She had grown so still now she was barely breathing .
4 Not only had her real mother rejected her at birth and given her away , but worst of all , her adoptive father whom she had loved so much now turned out to be her real father , a cheat and a deceiver .
5 This was a different Fernando from the one she had loved so passionately before .
6 And who would be there for her at Casa Pinar where she had loved so desperately and lost so painfully ?
7 She ran , with his voice , that deep and beautiful voice she had loved so much , following her along the beach , as though it mocked her .
8 Feeling thoroughly bewildered , hardly able to believe she had caused so much trouble without even knowing why , she picked up Gwen Bear and hugged her warm , furry body to her for comfort .
9 Ruth 's hopes , which she had built so high , collapsed like a house of cards .
10 Whether or not Henry would have kept his promise if she had remained so is an open question , but it is clear that once he had also acquired Aquitaine he would never relax his grip on the territories which served as the vital bridge connecting his mother 's lands in the north and his wife 's lands in the south .
11 As for Louise , strolling beneath the shade of her white silk parasol , she had remained so cool and chaste that she had scarcely deigned to notice that young men were admiring her .
12 ( For he would never leave her ) If she found a place of her own , with other comrades of course — why , she had moved so often , it was nothing , she could do it easily .
13 She had prepared so many ways of telling him how accidental it had been , how only the thought that he was safe in France had made her bold enough .
14 She had seen so little of this grandchild .
15 She had seen so many of the students set out from her door , awkward and anxious , and after a few weeks it was as if they had been studying there all their lives .
16 She had lived so long within its walls that , when the great-grandfather of Miss Douglas found it necessary to abandon the castle from its ruinous state , she refused to do so and continued to find shelter there till her death , towards the beginning of the last century .
17 Liz attempted her first sketch of her mother , her first outline for the outside world of the domestic ghost with which she had lived so long : Alix spoke of her relief at escaping from the small boarding school world in which her parents and her contemporaries all knew one another far too well : Esther conjured up visions of both deprivation and splendour in her own past .
18 It was as if , all of a sudden , all the hidden anxieties and fears she had hidden so expertly were now overwhelming her .
19 The feelings she had displayed so publicly were anything but fake .
20 She knew that the fussy , frilly bridal gown did not suit her but had accepted it , as she had accepted so much else in her life , for her mother 's sake .
21 Angy had moved in an aura of musk and here it was , clinging to the papers she had handled so many times .
22 Dana could be right — she did find it difficult to get friendly with any of the men she had met so far , but that did n't mean she never would .
23 But , to her relief , the voice that greeted her from the other side of the oak door , though indistinct , was that of the porter she had met so briefly the evening before .
24 The only time the mother spent with the boy was during meal-times and she had become so anxious about him eating sufficient quantities that she hovered over him and interfered with his eating pattern .
25 She had become so beautiful that I felt very distant from her .
26 In the end she had become so used to living the lie of marital contentment that she bad perhaps come to believe it herself .
27 She had become so attuned to the seisms of his feelings she could see that he wanted to hit her .
28 And had her mother really thought she had become so selfish ?
29 When she died ( about 1925 ) , she left instructions in her Will for her body to be buried in this green paradise about which she had heard so much , and yet which she had never visited except in her dreams .
30 She said this with a certain violence , and Clara 's attention quickened , for she thought she was about to witness the emergence of one of the buried conflicts of which she had heard so much : but Mrs Denham said quickly , " For goodness sake , Clelia , you know how good it is for me to have James around , it takes me back to those lovely days when you were all so small and docile . "
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