Example sentences of "she was down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Louisa arrived in time to hear this and to see , a moment later , the tears start to Frere 's eyes , then she was down beside the unconscious woman , holding her head .
2 She was pleading , she was down on her knees .
3 She was down on her knees , finishing off the doorstep ; an apron made from some coarse sacking was protecting her plain black dress , her legs were clad in thick black wool stockings and her feet were shod in heavy , much mended shoes — second-hand into the bargain , as was most of her servant 's clothing .
4 She was down to its level now , her finger jabbing at the zip of his trousers .
5 He liked Mrs Robson , he had become very fond of her : she was down to earth , and she seemed to bring him out of himself , but she seemed to be harbouring serious ideas about Maggie and him .
6 She was down to 99 in two hours .
7 When she was down to about thirty centimetres high , she walked through the door , and then , at last , she was in the beautiful garden with its green trees and bright flowers .
8 After her fifth or sixth toke she was down to the end of the joint and a couple of the dried seeds exploded like miniature fireworks , making her jump and then starting her off giggling .
9 She was down at the scene of the picket .
10 She was down before me , breakfasted and lookin' as though she was just off to complete a big business deal in the money centre of BA or wherever .
11 She realized she was down from the morph-plus , and that her senses were sharper than they had ever been before .
12 Minutes later , she was down in the yard , unlocking the feed shed in the morning darkness .
13 But , when she was down in the country , I had a BSkyB dish installed in London and it took her 24 hours to find it .
14 She was down in the dirt , rolling away from the sharp-toed kicks .
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