Example sentences of "she in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd be lucky ter get anybody that could match 'er in the kitchen .
2 I was to get at 'er in the bedroom , 'e said .
3 How interested is she in the preparation of this dress ?
4 How long was she in the workhouse ? ’
5 She in the valley is so shy
6 Why was she in the MASH camp ?
7 Nor was she in the gaming room with its low lights on green baize tables , circles of hands restless with chips , cards , cigarettes , while the tension adjusted itself with each soft call of the croupiers .
8 So absorbed was she in the effort of preparing herself mentally for what lay ahead that she did not glance upstream as she drove across Cookham Bridge and wonder why there were no party-goers gathered round a marquee on the lawn of Swans ' Meadow , why indeed there was no marquee pitched on the lawn at all .
9 Is , is she in the house ?
10 Molly tried to speak slowly and rationally but the calm which had sustained her in the villa seemed to have drained away .
11 And Theodora recounted her meeting with her in the drive at the Julians ' house .
12 Yes , but she could be parting from him in a different way — ; stealing away , running off , he was surprised she had never done so , that she had n't killed the old woman with a poison in the way she had perhaps schemed to kill him , that she had not held her under just a moment too long when she took her swimming that she had not simply abandoned her in the settlement .
13 Blanche had left a message for the sergeant to join her in the editor 's office of Inside Out on the fourth floor .
14 After the appeal , Duncan McAllister resigned his Army commission while publicity surrounding Christie 's friendship with Anna Moore helped keep her in the public eye .
15 Parkin gave a brief account of the previous night in his bass voice , saying that he had spoken briefly to Nicola at the pub outside TV London before the party started , and had spotted her in the boardroom .
16 No one else was allowed to overrule her in the boardroom .
17 He joined her in the kitchen , and she saw that the descriptions which had reached her through the field telegraph and by which she had recognised him , were accurate .
18 Sometimes , when she was all alone in the house , she would call Frankie downstairs to sit with her in the kitchen by the fire .
19 ‘ Take her in the kitchen , Salt , and fill her up with gruel or some such thing . ’
20 Simon , however , would n't hear of it , and had joined her in the kitchen to help with the dishes .
21 I love to bathe her in the kitchen sink and play with her . ’
22 See enough of her in the kitchen , as it is , ’ nostrils flaring , mouth dipping .
23 When the young men came back and started to film her in the kitchen , she forgot every word she had learned .
24 Josie took her upstairs , and sat her in the kitchen .
25 She put down the receiver , feeling much happier , and even enjoyed the lukewarm haddock that was waiting for her in the kitchen .
26 ‘ Yes , I brought her the tray Mrs Porter had set out for her in the kitchen .
27 It was ten minutes before he followed her , finding her in the kitchen apparently listening to a mid-Saturday morning news flash on the radio there with blank-eyed concentration .
28 She snuggled down and began to drift to sleep , memories of Alain holding her here as she wept on that first day , memories of him bringing her up to bed after he had kissed her in the kitchen , fluttering like moths in the light , easing her into sleep .
29 A good American would have had her in the kitchen with a flue-brush , or making pastry , by now .
30 ‘ Perhaps he touched it while helping her in the kitchen … putting the knives away ’
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