Example sentences of "she must [be] in " in BNC.

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1 Robyn thinks she must be in Angleside , because the faces of the people slithering on the pavements or huddled miserably at bus-stops are mostly swarthy and dark-eyed , and the bright silks of saris , splashed with mud , gleam beneath the hems of the women 's drab topcoats .
2 This is particularly true for the female , as she must be in top condition to make good quality eggs prior to spawning .
3 Constance looked at Gioella and calculated she must be in her early thirties .
4 She must be in love . "
5 From this a spiral staircase led upwards to a similar-sized room with windows on all sides , and Sabine realised she must be in the tower she 'd noticed on the way in .
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