Example sentences of "'s [noun] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But the ever-increasing majority of church members who want women to be ordained as priests have consciences too : they are hurt by the slowness of the Church of England 's response and feel bound to follow what they see as a movement of the Holy Spirit in our time .
2 The parents need to know how to gauge the child 's response and achieve their aim without anger or upset .
3 This arises from the fact that unemployment or underemployment will reduce the household 's income and constrain the demand for goods .
4 If the police persevered , they were bound to crack Audrey Sweet 's defence and find out about the family blackmailing business .
5 The students spar lightly , each trying to score a point by striking to a certain area of the body , employing everything he knows in his kung fu arsenal to overcome his opponent 's defence and attack procedures .
6 The last seven years have seen a considerable expansion of the museum 's activities but have been coloured by the drama and eventual scandal surrounding the controversial restoration by Daniel Goldreyer of one of the museum 's principal paintings , Barnet Newman 's monumental ‘ Who 's afraid of red yellow and blue III ’ which had been vandalised in 1986 ( see p.15 ) .
7 For instance , the finding that women are ‘ cooperative ’ or ‘ conciliatory ’ speakers may be explained , as we have seen , in terms of women 's activities and peer-group norms .
8 The accounting policies of the Institute have regard to accounting standards and presentational aspects of the Companies Act where these are relevant to the Institute 's activities and do not result in misleading information .
9 They will advise on the distribution of the fund 's money and act as local contacts , as well as promoting the grants , advising potential applicants and monitoring projects that receive the grants .
10 He intended to take Papa 's money and use it to keep his long-term mistress and their children ; he laughed at me behind my back … while he pretended to my face that he admired and loved me dearly .
11 ‘ I did n't take Rachel 's money and hide it , I did n't . ’
12 Robert Holmes a Court , one-time head of the same Bell Group now convulsed in the death-throes of the Bond empire , was happy to take Mr Bond 's money and stand back .
13 Is it not true that the choice for the British people is between our party , which calls for lower taxes and greater spending by the people , and the Labour party , which wants to take people 's money and spend it itself ?
14 It reminds me of provincial France , where you can drive through a village on a summer 's afternoon and wonder if the place is inhabited .
15 Testing of children has always legitimately had separate purposes : diagnostic — to enable the teacher to calibrate their own assessment of a child 's difficulty and judge the next best line for development ; setting of tests to establish mastery of a particular piece of learning when of concept , skill or information ; and standardised to set one 's own information against some comparators .
16 It is true that one can scan a whole evening 's programmes and find only puerile junk on every channel .
17 ‘ I would encourage every woman running a Merseyside-based business , whether as a director or a manager , to enter this year 's award and get the recognition they deserve . ’
18 While learning at an RYA centre guarantees success , there will always be people who will learn on a friend 's board or prefer to buy a board and teach themselves .
19 A diary entry of the period reads , ‘ Daddy wo n't let me go out to play or listen to Children 's Hour or read stories .
20 Berol 's Karisma Graphite pencils produce a wash effect , as so Osborne & Butler 's Sketch and Wash pencils .
21 They unrolled the map which had been tucked in Snodgrass 's cloak and spread it out carefully on the ground .
22 As expected ( UX No 386 ) , Olivetti used its event in Rome last week — see front page — to steal Pyramid Technology Corp 's thunder and introduce a 24-CPU version of the MIPS R3000-based LSX 6500 transaction processing systems which are rebadged MIServers from the Mountain View , California-based company .
23 Hewlett-Packard Co is likely to steal DEC 's thunder and whisk away its number two position as the second largest computer vendor in the US by 1994 , Hembricht & Quist analyst Robert Herwick says .
24 We have of course made it clear that those techs who were piloting er the out of school childcare initiative er will continue er to be funded er along with all other techs from ninety four , five and although of course I can not preempt the tech 's judgement and take a view on that particular scheme , er I can say that funding will continue for techs for that purpose .
25 If you were one of last year 's groups and wish to continue , or if you would like to join a group for the first time , please let me know as soon as possible .
26 She promised the community 's support and help if indeed the parents and their witnesses had to leave the island .
27 All I wanted was to become pregnant — then I would no longer have to go to Abraham 's tent and lie next to his old , drained body .
28 Charlton is convinced Old Trafford is the stage to harness Cantona 's talents and tame the gypsy in him .
29 The idea behind this latest Spalding missile is that , because it spins less , it is more forgiving in terms of the higher handicapper 's hook or slice which is also , of course , part of the appeal of the metal wood .
30 More usually , Procedure Roll is a tactic employed by defenders to point to weaknesses in the pursuer 's case and require amendment to cure the defect .
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