Example sentences of "'s [noun] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 During the farmer 's eulogy I had been distractedly scratching the cow 's tail and had soiled my hand in the process .
2 After hearing of Mr Hindmarch 's case he had contacted the firm , which agreed to send on the units .
3 Nguyen Manh Cam , 62 , became Foreign Minister in place of Nguyen Co Thach , another of the late Le Duc Tho 's associates who had been removed from the politburo at the seventh congress .
4 His doctor constantly suggested to him the benefits of sun and sea air ( not that he needed any encouragement to visit the sea , since it still evoked for him the happiest memories ) , and in July they travelled , with Eliot 's sister who had come from America , to the Isle of Wight for two weeks .
5 Later , Hazel had said that there was nothing for it but to cross the open pasture and under Silver 's direction they had crossed it , with Dandelion running ahead to reconnoitre .
6 Amaldi 's presence there had been sought by two other Italian colleagues , also physicists .
7 What mattered was that things should appear to function well in Sibiu , because Nicu 's presence there had to cast credit on the family .
8 Earlier Hartlepool Labour candidate Peter Mandelson urged Mr Lilley to admit it was his party 's policies which had created mass unemployment in the town .
9 Labour candidate Peter Mandelson urged him to admit that it was his party 's policies which had created mass unemployment in the town .
10 He said Mr Lamont declared in last year 's Budget he had ‘ no need , no proposals and no plans either to raise or to extend the scope of VAT ’ .
11 And in Amabel 's experience it had always been the wife who complained of it , Ethel Lord , for instance , fretting herself into a decline , or very nearly , when her husband had taken to spending so much time in Leeds ; Maria Colclough turning to religion because her man emerged so rarely from his counting house ; even strident Lizzie Braithwaite complaining that she had been neglected for the sake of the business .
12 In Maggie 's heart there had always been a prayer that they might be reconciled .
13 The number of patients with Barrett 's oesophagus who had an acid clearance test was too small ( three ) to make any valid comparisons with the patients without Barrett 's oesophagus .
14 J. R. Clynes , the new Lord Privy Seal , wrote picturesquely of ‘ the strange turn in Fortune 's wheel which had brought MacDonald the starveling clerk , Thomas the engine driver , Henderson the foundry labourer and Clynes the mill-hand , to this pinnacle beside the man whose forebears had been Kings for so many splendid generations .
15 I soon discovered that the customers in that particular part of North London were very different to any of the other dozen or so Sainsbury 's shops I had worked in .
16 Since John 's abduction I had kept a diary , hoping somehow that I could capture the time John was missing , to keep things from fading so that I could share them with him when he came back .
17 Anyway he owned the place and in most people 's eyes he had every right to chuck me out .
18 The counsel told the court : ‘ In Patel 's car they had loud music on and there was a certain amount of laughing going on .
19 Francis came to tell us about arrangements for the funeral and he brought with him one of my father 's pictures which had been taken to the shop for framing .
20 Thus in D v NSPCC [ 1978 ] AC 171 the court was willing to permit the NSPCC to withhold the name of their informant but in British Steel Corporation v Granada Television Ltd [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 417 the defendants were ordered to disclose the name of the plaintiff 's employee who had supplied them with confidential information belonging to the plaintiff .
21 Some of Lancaster 's supporters who had escaped justice in 1322 were at large committing acts of banditry in the north-west , and a more general change of sentiment perhaps lay behind the petitions in the parliament of February 1324 that the rotting corpses of the rebels who had been hanged should be taken down and given decent burial .
22 The distinguished former judge Lord Devlin sent an unsolicited letter that the case for Meehan 's innocence I had put forward was very disturbing and needed to be answered .
23 She was followed soon afterwards by Dr Greenaway , the BDA 's President who had rendered magnificent service to the Association over a period of thirty years .
24 In the face of his father 's protestations he had decided that the conventional path for the scholarship winner — law or medicine — was not for him ; he was going to Oxford to do History .
25 If hunting had once been in the red bitch 's blood it had long since been bred out and forgotten .
26 He fumbled with the knots of Jacqui 's tights which had been tied cruelly round Joanne 's mouth .
27 The answer is that he can maintain the action if at the time of the defendant 's act he had ( a ) ownership and possession of the goods , or ( b ) possession of them ; or ( c ) an immediate right to possess them , but without either ownership or actual possession .
28 Through Roszak 's influence he had read Thomas Merton and Kenneth Rexroth , the anarchists Paul Goodman and Alex Comfort , and had absorbed the new literature of the civil rights movement , Liberation magazine .
29 On his way home to Brest , sailing north-about round Ireland , Jones confirmed his reputation as a maritime Robin Hood by releasing , with a new sail and money in their pockets , some Irish fishermen he had captured , but his arrival back in port , on 8 May 1778 , proved a disappointment , for the French failed to give him the hero 's welcome he had expected .
30 I went over there and I stepped into this guy 's shoes who had really a difficult fourth year class .
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