Example sentences of "'s [adj] [noun pl] have " in BNC.

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1 Vial 's scanty publications have been analysed at length by Smith , who pronounced : ‘ In summing up Vial 's practical knowledge one is compelled to estimate it as not very wide .
2 Inflation has taxed most Russians massively ; but whereas households have suffered these losses in full , Russia 's state-owned enterprises have , in effect , been bailed out by the central bank .
3 The European-wide recession has been chiefly to blame , along with competition from American companies aided by a weak dollar in 1992 and by the fact that Novaceta 's European customers have faced tough competition from Far East textile manufacturers .
4 About 5,800 of the West Midlands force 's 7,000 drivers have undergone tough advanced driving courses allowing them to drive a car with a siren .
5 Abseiling is the most dangerous single thing mountaineers do and many of the world 's greatest climbers have been killed abseiling .
6 Headline 's greatest successes have been characterised by this kind of co-operation .
7 Some of geometry 's greatest advances have followed attempts to solve the problems of navigators .
8 Historians have been attracted by the wealth of available material : Darwin 's private notebooks have survived , along with much of his correspondence , and this material is now being published so that scholars everywhere can have access to what must stand as a unique record of creative thought .
9 But some of the country 's economic difficulties have direct and indirect effects on provision .
10 The poverty gap which the past decade 's economic orthodoxies have opened across the developed world has widened faster in Britain than in any other EC country .
11 They are now , I think , filly restored to their original position , although Nigeria 's economic fortunes have been rather dire .
12 Over the last generation , the world 's poorest states have become immeasurably poorer as a result of well-meaning engagement with the developed world .
13 Pat 's coiffured cacti have gone down very well at all the horticultural competitions .
14 Five of London 's finest hairdressers have teamed together and will be opening their new salon , Parsons Skott , on Midsummers Eve , June 20th .
15 Meanwhile , England 's professional footballers have been asked to join Saturday 's nationwide protest against allseater stadia .
16 Britain 's working mums have one of the worst deals in Europe .
17 Virtually all of the plants and animals that comprise the earth 's agricultural systems have been manipulated in this way .
18 It must also be seen as one interpretation of that theory : Marx 's extensive writings have been variously interpreted and , since his death , several schools of Marxism have developed .
19 What happens in two or three years time when the ANC 's political aspirations have not been met. ?
20 Because of this , women 's political struggles have to be connected especially closely with struggle against their ‘ internalizations ’ ( Rowbotham et al .
21 A hyaena 's nasal membranes have a surface area fifty times bigger and the richness of the information they can gather is so great and varied that it is difficult for us to appreciate it .
22 There have been several other occasions on which the government 's monetary targets have not been achieved .
23 Though the Conservative Club 's 500 members have pledged Party allegiance to a man the question of women membership is said to be ‘ in abeyance ’ the number of votes in Horden is unlikely to have filled many coal tubs .
24 Here in Germany also , Panofsky 's English writings have not failed to have an effect .
25 There is apparently a storeroom , however , where some of the Government Commission 's old papers have been dumped to await recycling .
26 SINCE 1970 America 's old folks have become richer and richer , mostly because of a steadily increasing flow of federal dollars .
27 Detroit 's electronic foragers have had pitifully few outlets in Britain — but it is in countries like Belgium , Germany and Holland that Detroit 's sonic architects are honoured and near-deified ( obviously they 're too deep for new jack wank-happy US ) .
28 However , any doubts people might have had about the band falling victim to their label 's commercial thrusts have been removed by their latest single ( and second Single Of The Week ) , ‘ Air Conditioned Nightmare ’ .
29 However , any doubts people might have had about the band falling victim to their label 's commercial thrusts have been removed by their latest single ( and second Single Of The Week ) , ‘ Air Conditioned Nightmare ’ .
30 The women 's civic fronts have virulently opposed US-imposed reforms and in May 1980 staged a demonstration outside the US ambassador 's residence .
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