Example sentences of "she never [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So , although she was aware of getting ‘ red ’ letters , she never realised that she had been taken to court .
2 As she gathered up the bedding and cushions she had hung out of the windows to air before the evening earth began to exhale dew , she wondered whether she should fetch out her best mantilla , the white lace her mother had given her for her first communion , which she never wore because it seemed so showy , and had n't worn even yesterday for the Easter Mass .
3 A real advantage of his girl , McLeish thought grimly , was that she never lied if asked directly .
4 She never dreamed that I would become a managing director !
5 ‘ Angy and I had supper together on the Monday evening but she never said that girl had been here , or that Rick was corning to see her . ’
6 Well she never said if she did she ?
7 She never asked if she could help in the kitchen since she knew Alice would be irritated by an offer which she knew to be impractical and insincere .
8 she never slept and our Edmond used to be worn out
9 In fact , when she came to consider , she never felt that there was any reply that she could make to Miss Coldharbour , whose remarks frequently had the air of concluding conversations rather than opening them .
10 In fact the painter never did return to Koraloona — and Marama , his mistress , always thought he had abandoned her , and over the years became obsessed by bitterness at the betrayal , for she never knew that in 1903 the painter had died , after she had given birth to a daughter , a baby girl so white that her mother christened her Tiare , after the beautiful white flower of the South Seas .
11 She was flown to San Diego last December but , as the entry of two former unsanctioned Soviet syndicates , she never competed and Port Security officials refused to give her permission to sail in San Diego .
12 She never married and died 20 February 1843 in Camberwell .
13 she never married and unlike her contemporary female Slade Students , Edna Waugh , Gwendoline Salmond , Ursula Tyrwhitt and Ida Nettleship , she did not allow herself to be distracted fro her career by emotional or domestic concerns .
14 She never fussed when he said that he was going down to the country and did n't know when he 'd be back .
15 Jack , at whom now she never looked though she always smiled had , in departing , kissed her .
16 She never noticed if Alexandra was fully dressed or had stumbled straight from sleep in her night clothes but would welcome her always with the sweetest of smiles and a gentle reproof for leaving her alone .
17 She never questioned or regretted her position .
18 She never understood nor accepted , but her feeling for Simon had not been destroyed .
19 She never thought that she would look at emptiness and not immediately be able to think of a hundred ways of filling it .
20 Oh , she never shouted or threw things at him .
21 Although Laura had great faith in Gwenny , she never doubted that it was a mother 's place to be with her child .
22 Her limbs seemed lifeless , and she never spoke or uttered a sound .
23 She never moved as I nipped hard and winkled out the offending obstruction .
24 She never moved or relaxed her watchfulness ; but in her very stillness there was something of violence , as though a touch might cause her to spring into startling and daunting life .
25 Great wicker baskets were trundled in and out of their home but she never complained nor spoke of regretting the end of her dancing life .
26 But she never complained or ever referred to the château as ‘ that damned place ’ …
27 He was so much a part of her that she never needed nor wanted to examine too closely the nature of her feeling for him .
29 She never remarried but had many admirers and friends , including William Heinemann and John Masefield [ qq.v . ] .
30 Her reply was that she never cried and moreover had never talked about it since it had happened all those years ago .
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