Example sentences of "she on [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Why was she on that plane ?
2 ‘ Is she on any drugs ? ’
3 Jackman has played Martin twice in the last eight months and lost both times , but Jackman was buoyed by the fact that she had taken a game off her on each occasion .
4 Before he climbed the gangway of the RAF VC10 he grasped her arm and kissed her on each cheek .
5 Jamie called her Ug the Cavewoman , Francis had tried talking with her on many occasions :
6 The guard smiled , ‘ It 's Charlotte and the boy , we 've seen her on many occasions .
7 You have beaten her on many occasions with your gun , tore off her clothes , threatened to shoot her , kicked her down ( in your anger ) , put your foot in her stomach , caused her bodily harm and wounded her .
8 She still saw Rosemary , and had coffee with her on many occasions , and Travis came to their flat occasionally too — Leith knew on the offchance of seeing Rosemary .
9 Now her duty was to her husband , who must guide her and guard her and speak out for her on all occasions .
10 If it was really the case that he did not mention the power of attorney when speaking to her on that occasion and left her in ignorance of her responsibilities and status , his failure shows , in my opinion , such a want of care as to preclude him from relying , in support of his non est factum plea , on her ignorance of the power .
11 ‘ But you had n't seen her on that occasion ? ’
12 She wished that Fernando had in fact made fiery , passionate and glorious love to her on that blanket , because at least her body would have been sated and that would have been something at the very least .
13 ‘ Please love , be a good boy , just wipe Annie 's hands for her on that flannel and take her to watch telly , will you ?
14 All the fears and stresses of these last weeks deserted her on that gallop .
15 As for us , we have your story , we have a saint who has made her way back to us by strange ways , and we have those who have been friends to her on that journey , and may well believe , as you believe , that the lady has been in control of her own destiny , and choosing her own friends and her own dependants .
16 So it was a husband 's sacred duty not to refuse her on that day even if he were practising celibacy .
17 She was in time to see the recovery of one of the young gentlemen who had begun to torment her on that night until Colonel Hope had silenced him .
18 Hollywood was awash with rumours some months later when Banderas came to Los Angeles for Mambo Kings , paid a visit to Madonna 's house and was spotted dining with her on several occasions .
19 Thrift has nearly killed her on several occasions , through the agency of old sausages , slow-punctured tyres , rusty blades .
20 Erm , yeah Mrs she sort of has the power over level erm if she she sort of , it 's like she 's sort of keeping her on this level in the same household as her
21 If inviting an elderly parent to come to live with you in your own home seems to be the best way of helping her in her last years , the first overtures you make to her on this subject need to be very tactful , bearing all the hallmarks of a really welcoming invitation .
22 He had once questioned her on this point , saying that a man of his age preferred younger women to be seen out with .
23 I was , however , able to reassure her on this point , as I could see no prospects of my ever getting close enough to any American for him to even ask my name , never mind ask me to marry him — and in the 1940 's you did have to wait to be asked .
24 Nor am I. ’ She was restless , moving uneasily about the hut as once before , curious but preoccupied , and slow to come to what had brought her on this errand .
25 ‘ It was to have children that Allah put her on this earth .
26 ‘ Of course , ’ murmured Mrs Crump , and looked around the hall to root out anyone who dared challenge her on this matter .
27 Dennis , who was down to ride work with her on another twoyear-old smiled with open hostility as they made their way up to the gallops .
28 At Stackpoole Junction the two railwaymen put her on another train and sent her home .
29 She was clean and decent and he wanted her on any terms .
30 The Valkyrie smacks her on both haunches .
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