Example sentences of "she that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 Which reminded her that they had done nothing at all about the shooting .
2 That was until the day of his funeral , when his fancy woman , Alice Mulcahy , through gin-inspired sorrow , told her that they had been making plans to go to America .
3 When the girl asked him where he was going , he told her that they had to return to Moscow .
4 It made it no better for her that they had been after her father .
5 He did n't tell her that they had brought him here unconscious after torturing him in the main building .
6 She had never even asked if there was a photograph of her father , and she supposed they had been so careful not to upset her that they had never offered one .
7 Abruptly , it dawned on her that what had hurt most that fateful night of the storm was Guy 's detached dismissal of any real rapport between them .
8 They were just little signs warning her that she had failed to keep Fenna the perfect secret that he had to be .
9 If it was being pointed out to her that she had been born to a life of political responsibility and not simply pleasure by one member of the powerful and able house of Guise in France , the message was being reinforced from Scotland by another : her mother , Mary of Guise .
10 When the letter arrived telling her that she had been accepted to read History of Art , she shouted ‘ Hooray ! ’ and flung her arms around her brother , then burst into uncontrollable tears of relief .
11 But the fire in her body when she lay in bed thinking of him that night warned her that she had to be strong or she would n't be able to reject him if he tried again .
12 I hoped he was reminding her that she had his bucket on her back and he did n't want it covering with dents .
13 She tried to recall when she had last passed a house , an AA box , a public telephone , but it seemed to her that she had been driving through deserted countryside for at least ten minutes .
14 And after his death it seemed to her that she had walked in darkness like an automaton through a deep and narrow canyon of grief in which all her energies , all her physical strength , had been husbanded to get through each day .
15 One woman with this problem , whose rather self-absorbed elderly mother used to keep her on the telephone for hours with doom-laden conversations , solved it by telling her that she had developed migraine which was always triggered off by holding a phone to her ear for more than a quarter of an hour at a time !
16 Indeed this latest move to de-mystify Her Majesty was so unconvincing I could n't help but wonder if — at any moment — Beadle himself ( albeit heavily disguised ) might not appear beside the Queen to inform her that she had been framed .
17 Joan Waters , too , was left in peace apart from the following two minor incidents which may have been attempts to impress upon her that she had not moved beyond the reach of the long arm of the undercover services .
18 A policeman assured her that she had no need to worry as her husband would soon be home as would the others .
19 I reminded her that she had mentioned Wilfred Thesiger .
20 She had n't really believed him , but so much of her new life had still to make sense to her that she had not challenged his statement .
21 It seemed to her that she had never seen so many people as there were on that platform , waiting for the Rome express to arrive .
22 At another time , He told her that she had conceived again , and when she , fearful that this would interrupt her ‘ contemplation ’ , asked how she should look after the child , Christ replied casually that he would find it a keeper .
23 So what was stopping him from going to her and telling her that she had no need to worry ?
24 Lifting up her pink nightdress her mother had then smacked her behind as hard as she could , afterwards putting her face next to Carla 's and telling her that she had had enough .
25 ‘ Our mother says she does n't know where he puts it all , he 's so thin , ’ Carrie said , and as soon as she had spoken it struck her that she had never talked to them about her mother before .
26 Obviously some misshapen warped creation like Alex ; shame flushed heat all through her that she had been willing to give herself to some disgusting pervert .
27 Her doctor had told her that she had completely recovered .
28 All these years , she had carried Tyler 's image in her heart , and suddenly there he was , looking at her , startling her , his gaze finding its way into that secret part of her that she had always kept hidden .
29 She sighed with relief , but the look in the SS officers ' eyes warned her that she had something worse in mind .
30 For a moment she was afraid that David was going to ask her what on earth she was talking about and tell her that she had completely misunderstood his elliptical declaration , but he did not .
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