Example sentences of "she for [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When people apologized to her for breaking a glass or making a remark which , upon sober reflection , they found themselves regretting she would smile the vague smile of the hostess who is at once too preoccupied and too superior to notice the faux pas of those around her .
2 It was a bitter irony that he condemned her for loving a man who was out of reach .
3 Carter praises her for transcending the naturalistic , however — for taking off from it and creating something original .
4 She hurried on to Horsfall Woods , stopping only at a sweetshop to buy a raspberry lollipop with the threepence Rosalind had given her for taking the letter .
5 And Dexter tried to calm his faint resentment against her for casting a shadow over his optimistic mood .
6 I 'm so pleased with her for knowing the way I want to hug her .
7 Mrs Bouverie knew this , and she also knew that the Loxford mothers despised her for meeting a child of ten .
8 She would lay the table her own way , not the French way , and no one would reprove her for putting the forks and spoons face up .
9 Reward her only when her action is appropriate to the cue — for example , praise her for crossing the pedestrian crossing when the correct signal is given .
10 Here she was , imagining that the last half-hour had been a sort of truce — telling Marc all those things about her life on the stage , all those silly , funny , self-mocking stories of disaster and mayhem that were part of the business , and he 'd been sitting there in judgement all that time , working out how much Peter might or might not have paid her for playing the part of his fiancée …
11 They wanted to free Sycorax without further delay , and Ariel too , though some doubted her allegiance , and were willing to abandon her for carrying the stranger 's child .
12 I find Dr. Proudie and some of the characters such as Mr. Harding and Eleanor Bold rather pathetic and not worthy of sympathy — I do not know whether these are the sentiments Trollope hoped to arouse , but though I obviously dislike Mrs. Proudie as we are supposed to , I find that I can admire her and sympathise with her for having the bad luck to be surrounded by such people .
13 Her family disowned her for marrying a Gentile .
14 Nigel told Eleanor that he despised her for making a pass at him .
15 Rita is still experiencing some back trouble so we were particularly grateful to her for making the long journey from Newcastle .
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