Example sentences of "she know by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her target — the man she knew by sight — sat at the bar .
2 She had never fully understood why her life should have changed so suddenly and drastically , though she knew by rote the duties and privileges of married ladies , and did her best to play her part decorously .
3 You refer to her stately homes , which she cared for deeply , but more importantly round these homes she knew by name a huge number of tenants , workers and friends who always received a warm and cheerful word , and many enjoyed great generosity from her and her husband .
4 Then she thought of the Brownie Promise and the Brownie Law and the Brownie Motto , all of which she knew by heart and had often said aloud when riding along the country lanes , so that she would be able to say them if the wonderful day should come for her to join a Brownie Pack .
5 She had no idea of the age of ‘ La Felicità ’ but such houses had stood on the white furrowed hillsides in the pictures she knew by heart .
6 Some she knew by heart .
7 She knew it with the first note she sang , she knew it as she walked jerkily across the stage in a parody of her usual smooth-flowing stride , she knew it as she was forced to search her mind for the next line of a song she knew by heart .
8 She knew by instinct that healing change can never be imposed on people from outside .
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