Example sentences of "she would look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The director had probably taken a room for her there tonight assuming she 'd look for something more suited to her purse in her own time .
2 Madame would see Boy there , she 'd look at him and she 'd give a whole line straight to him ( Ca n't you see …
3 I 'd go off to work , and she 'd look at the script and say : ‘ Who are you working with today , what are you doing ? ’
4 He 'd told Dotty she would n't always feel so unhappy , that one day she 'd look at him and his face would seem quite ordinary , and she 'd flown at him , pummelling his chest with her fists , sobbing that the day would never come .
5 Once in the comfort of her room she 'd look through her guide again for likely possibilities , she decided .
6 Only there was a lady lived at the manor , and she said — come up and see my grandmother and if she 'd look after us , she 'd keep us in clothes and food .
7 In return she 'd look after the ponies , school them and play polo . ’
8 They were terrific — upset , but very sympathetic and his Mother said not to worry , if Pop threw me out she 'd look after me .
9 Well she 'd look after him would n't she ?
10 She would look on the bright side .
11 And if she did , she would look into Carrie 's mind with her witch 's eyes and know that she knew that it was Mrs Gotobed weeping upstairs , and that she was remembering what Mr Evans had said .
12 If Laura noticed any of her staff wearing clothes in a poor state of repair she would look into that person 's wages and family circumstances and see if there was a way of paying them more without upsetting the hierarchy .
13 She thought one day she would look into it and it was 21 years later , with time on her hands , that she actually got round to it .
14 And then she would look to Gary for him to begin the piano again , and she would look us straight in the eye for as long as possible , and she would sing :
15 She would look for a flat in London .
16 She would look for their gloves , would ring back if she found them .
17 Maybe that 's what she would look for when she returned to La Jolla .
18 Every morning , and each night before switching off the light , she would look at it .
19 And on Monday mornings , she would look at the little bridge on her willow pattern plate and wish she could run across it away from her Uncle Philip 's house to where the flowering trees were .
20 She would look at him sideways , smile at unexpected moments , and while she was never coarse there was the vaguest suggestion of the gentlest possible obscenity as she spoke of the bodies of animals .
21 He stood back in the street , the rain stinging his eyes , wetting him to the skin , getting in his mouth and eyes ; warm rain , huge hard drops , slicking and sticking the clothes to his body ; erotic , making his heart beat faster in a sudden , squally sexual fantasy ; she would invite him in … no , better yet , she would turn up in the street , having been out , also wet to the skin , she would look at him … they would go in …
22 She never thought that she would look at emptiness and not immediately be able to think of a hundred ways of filling it .
23 She would look at the rest later .
24 There had never been any doubt in her mind that she would look after her parents in their old age : they had given up a lot for her , she said , and that was how she could repay them .
25 Aside from the fact that she regarded Travis as a friend too , there was her unspoken promise to Rosemary that she would look after him to consider .
26 Or else she would look like that girl in the adverts .
27 The result was pale and sickly , stress lines showing how much she would look like her mother in a few years ' time .
28 He said she feared she would look like a money-grabber if she went to court to get the possessions after the divorce so he agreed to sign them over .
29 Even Sean 's obvious appreciation of her had served mainly to boost her confidence as to how she would look in that other man 's eyes , if by some absolute miracle they should meet him for a moment as they were driving through the grounds of Millfield House .
30 If the hon. Lady were sensible , she would look in the backyard of her own party .
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