Example sentences of "she [is] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She 's already ninety-one , ’ said Pakeezah .
2 She 's already upset enough ! ’
3 and that 's put on and if , we say for argument sake that er she was married , we know she 's not , but she could be and her banns are in and her husband gets wind that she 's getting married again , you know , so he goes into the registrar office has a look , and she 's already married to me and this is what it 's for
4 And she 's already worried in case the polyp turns out to be something worse . ’
5 and , and if she 's already scared of his temper and they 've not even lived together , well they have lived together for quite a while actually so I mean it 's not like they do n't know each other but once they 're married and they 've been married for a couple of years I reckon , and he starts thinking of her more as a possession sort of thing I can , I can really imagine
6 She 's thoroughly upset , ’ he snapped at her .
7 She 's wholly dependant for breath on the oxygen bottle she 's attached to .
8 In fact — and you can tell her this — if she 's exceptionally good I might even give her the tape .
9 And you ca n't think why — she 's normally such a good little girl .
10 Gina thought they must be valuable and she 's probably right ; but she 's puzzled as to why her father kept them shut away and never mentioned them . ’
11 She 's been living with this guy for months , by all accounts , so she 's probably immune to his germs by now .
12 she 's probably bloody used to it after all the years she must of had them , she tells
13 No she 's probably teetotal !
14 She 's probably asleep .
15 ‘ Harold , Felicity may not want to see Magdalen , she 's probably tired after her journey .
16 Well she 's probably tired , she 's been out two nights in a row .
17 She 's probably upset because her boyfriend does n't want to go out with her on account of her amusing adenoidal accent .
18 She 's probably frigid .
19 ‘ Yes , even in Minnie , who 's so unlikely that she 's probably true — there probably has been someone who grew up as she did , saloon-wise and card-sharping yet quite sure that she wants nothing to do with the kind of messing around she 's seen under her parents ’ roof .
20 She 's probably jealous then of your relationship with him .
21 She was getting fat when I lived with her , she 's probably huge now .
22 She 's probably accustomed to menial work , whereas it 's quite foreign to me . ’
23 She 's probably embarrassed as you are .
24 And she 's probably embarrassed as you are
25 I would like to say , or write to him to apologize to her but she 's probably dead .
26 She 's completely self-centred .
27 Unless she 's completely drunk , blind drunk and I have n't already given her a good seeing to !
28 Meanwhile , former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters has attacked Madonna in the most recent issue of Details magazine : ‘ What 's extraordinary about Madonna is that she 's made all these rotten records , and she 's this awful , ugly , dull person who — by virtue of the fact that she 's completely fearless and shameless and blatant and cheap and bad — has become successful , ’ he says .
29 Jesus Christ , she 's completely crazy ! ’
30 She 's completely mature , ’ says Gaultier with unconcealed enthusiasm .
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