Example sentences of "she [was/were] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sh she pays me fifty pounds , she rang me up she were away to a funeral
2 In fact , if she were there for two months , it would be unlikely that it would regard her as a resident .
3 Well she were there for two hours just trying to .
4 In Margaret Thatcher 's time — he wished that she were still at the helm — the party could always look forward to a damn good Leader 's speech on the last afternoon .
5 If she were still in Britain , it would be too late for her to say much in time for morning editions .
6 She tried to make Martha speak high English at home as if she were still in school , but the old woman often lapsed into patois herself .
7 " Dear Virginia , " he said quietly , as if she were still by his side .
8 Jinny went bright red and started towards the door so fast that Keith did not catch her up until she was outside on the path .
9 She was outside on the step , gazing at the winter afternoon .
10 As Maura watched the dust motes flying through the air in the rays of the June sun she wished that she was outside with the younger children .
11 She was outside for just a second .
12 She was outside in the garage
13 If you asked him she ought to be put away for she was plainly off her trolley .
14 She was upstairs at once to tell Mary what had happened , though I do n't suppose Mary paid her much heed .
15 ( She was probably at Bourges . )
16 She must have been going for the six o'clock train , and she was probably in a dickens of a rush when … ’
17 Every female role he made was for his wife , even though she was well past her prime ; Semenyaka 's youth was wasted stepping into others ' shoes .
18 And she was well past the point at which she might have stopped her headlong dive into that dizzying state .
19 I had to see Helen , After all , she was just over that hill which I could see from the top windows of the Grand .
20 It 's strange because when she was just with you she like it .
21 But , Debbie was just getting to the stage where she was just to same on the shift , erm , but yes , you need , like , th , the , you get certain people that , they just need the challenge , but then you can find yourself erm , getting into a situation where you 're giving them those extra things to do but you 're taking them away from somebody else , so they 're like just going into the background , you know .
22 She was just on her way to see Eleanor Thorne , ’ she ventured .
23 She was just on the point of leaving for London when her brother phoned to say that their mother was dying .
24 She was just inside the workshop doors with the fertiliser shed behind her , stacked to the roof with one-tonne sacks .
25 Sounds of movement behind me suggested she was just in time .
26 She was just in time to catch the overnight Red Eye for Heathrow .
27 I mean she was just in our department you see .
28 You see one , was close to the woodlands and in fact missed , she was just in the bottom of the field , and she 's sure to get the bird .
29 She was just in time to hear the street door slam , two floors below .
30 She was just in the middle of doing her hair when she heard a light tap at the door , followed by the sound of Candy 's voice .
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