Example sentences of "she [to-vb] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And , despite being fairly scatty and not particularly intellectual , she 'd worked very hard to gain the necessary qualifications which would enable her to attend an art college in London .
2 On the walk back to Daphne 's flat Becky could n't help feeling a little guilty about deserting Charlie on his first night home and began to think perhaps it had been selfish of her to accept an invitation to go to a concert with Guy that night .
3 Sponsorship is an ever-dwindling means for the professional artist to attract the necessary financial backing to enable him or her to organise an exhibition .
4 It had allowed her to form an attachment to the child , an attachment doomed to ruin ; she could never forgive that .
5 She was advised that formal evidence would have to be called in order for her to form an opinion under section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 as to whether the defendant should be remanded in custody or on bail on the same or more stringent conditions , and that accordingly the hearing would in effect be a trial and would require to be heard before at least two justices .
6 If he asked her to run an errand , to post a letter or buy some razor blades from the chemist , she was transported with pleasure ; she wanted to do difficult things for him , to be his slave , his handmaiden .
7 He also asked her to keep an eye on his widow because he had heard about the carrying-on with the women-folk .
8 Since the product bore her name , it became of paramount importance to her to maintain an image of which she approved .
9 She did n't know what , but it was n't like her to skirt an issue .
10 She switched on the bedroom radio , tuning to her new station 's waveband — her competitive curiosity had prompted her to attempt an assessment of the English-language opposition earlier — and discovering a laid-back DJ playing jazz and fusion between taking a few calls from night-owl listeners , their character common around the world — shift-workers , troubled or lonely insomniacs , late-night revellers and cramming students .
11 It would have been better for her to have an abortion , but by the time she told her mother it was too late , so she kept the baby .
12 I wanted her to have an abortion because it would have given us more time to get ourselves sorted out and get our life going together before bringing another person into it .
13 Judy 's father , for instance , despite being a devout Catholic would have encouraged her to have an abortion if she had wanted one .
14 She had not told Tony either , because she knew he 'd want her to have an abortion , and she would have refused , and this would have split them up .
15 And I think it would be very useful for her to have an appraisal .
16 However , the constable learned from a woman in the street that just after the explosion Sutherland had approached her to get an ambulance for his friend who was still in the house .
17 The only way to find out is for her to get an HIV antibody test .
18 I 've told her to get an Astra they 're better .
19 In McShane ( 1977 ) a woman was convicted of an attempt to counsel her mother 's suicide by repeatedly encouraging her to take an overdose , and it was shown that the mother 's death would greatly alleviate the defendant 's financial problems .
20 The camera has been seduced by the unflinching stare and Mona Lisa smile of a woman whose striking Mexican looks have caused her to become an icon for artists , radicals , women .
21 Yesterday consumer campaigner Gwen Lamb received a letter from Development Products of Newport , Gwent , inviting her to become an agent .
22 As France made her preparations for war , it was relatively simple for her to make an alliance with Austria against Prussia and it also turned out to be surprisingly easy to draw Russia into this alliance .
23 ‘ Shall I ask her to make an appointment ? ’ she wanted to know .
24 And many were the tricks that the carters They used to get on the right side of the maid and get her to make an impression of the key on a block o of soap .
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