Example sentences of "she [vb past] [that] they " in BNC.

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1 Finally they relented when she argued that they were simply wasting their money .
2 Not that she cared that they were going to be spending so much time together , she reminded herself hastily .
3 She realised that they had just joined the main motorway heading north-west out of London .
4 Then her eyes slowly began to focus and she realised that they had n't just been tossed on to the bed .
5 When she peered closer to read the inscriptions she realised that they were the spoils from Marc 's career — rewards for his many years as an international racing driver .
6 Then she realised that they were n't employees of OBEX and that they all appeared to be handicapped in some way .
7 Despite the unceremonious manner of the suggestion , she agreed that they should give the idea a try .
8 When in 1861 Louisa Twining proposed to a government Select Committee that women should be allowed to stand for election as Poor Law Guardians , she agreed that they should not interfere in the male province of finance and administration , and should not have any say over the treatment of male paupers .
9 Then she saw how the Oxo boy on the advertisement hoarding smiled and she realized that they had come a different way by a different route and that she was nearly at Mrs Parvis 's boarding house .
10 But when she looked again , she realized that they were too far away from each other for that to have been possible .
11 She had n't thought about how much of her hour remained , until bells started ringing , and she realized that they must have gone for her .
12 This confused Benny at first , until she realized that they must have been going deeper into the complex , while Froebe would have assumed she was making for the outside .
13 She rejected about a dozen of these sample shades before she mentioned that they cost sixty or seventy pence each .
14 The ceramics particularly impressed her and she found that they were referred to in the catalogue as " agitational chinaware " .
15 She found that they vary independently of each other which suggests that at least one of the inversions is on one of the 8 metacentric pairs not involved in the numerical variability ( C. R. Bantock , personal communication ) .
16 He chatted on about them for the rest of the journey , as she had hoped he would , and she learnt that they could n't be better looked after .
17 He was as sensitive about his body as a proud owner of its pet 's and was perpetually asking her to look inside his ear to see whether there was something amiss — she saw nothing but pink perfection — and wondering about the freshness of his lungs in the atmosphere — she assumed that they were like his ears — and surveying the immaculateness , the flatness of his belly in her long wall mirror with its carved , wooden frame .
18 She signalled that they should lower their voices and follow her round the building to a new window smashed through the wall of the cottage .
19 That when it did , she believed that they would be obliterated totally , like midges slapped into nothingness by a giant .
20 The sunlight from an open window shone into his eyes , and she noticed that they were exactly the same shade of green as Stephen 's , and just as opaque .
21 She imagined that they were sitting there on opposite sides of the little table they used when they were alone .
22 She replied that they could only get an ‘ impression ’ of the girl and there was no use looking farther .
23 Both glanced at her curiously , and she guessed that they were brother and sister , with the same large , rather vacant brown eyes , and amiable bovine faces .
24 Though had Leith any anxieties about telling him of her feelings , then she discovered that they were unnecessary anyway , for , glancing at Naylor again , she saw that a cold mask seemed to have slipped over his features .
25 She protested that they should n't have been put on there without her authority , and the farm chaps laughed and said , ‘ You wo n't be wanting that again . ’
26 She prayed that they would be kind to her , and that Benny would n't change and find a new friend .
27 If she decided that they had had enough of sightseeing or whatever , then they had had enough .
28 She remembered what he had said about steering clear of married women , and she decided that they probably were n't , not that the thought gave her any pleasure .
29 She implied that they had heard it in the shop and Tony said reassuringly , ‘ Do n't worry about it .
30 She insisted that they were not seen often together at TVL and that she kept what she called her professional distance .
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