Example sentences of "she [be] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 She 's trouble , she 's of the other sort .
2 She 's of the dictionary project that 's looking at transcribed spoken language .
3 If she dislikes all outward signs of mourning , wanting people to wear their normal clothes and for the proceedings to be very quiet and simple , that should be for her to decide , but if she is of the old school , who prefer mourners to dress rather sombrely , you should try to persuade the rest of the family to do so whatever their personal opinions may be ; although care must be taken not to cause friction over this or anything else which may sour the family gathering .
4 She is of the old pure Wolfline , ’ said Fergus , meeting her eyes .
5 She is of the opinion that the loneliness of this place accounts for my condition .
6 Now , I have heard tell in the sultry dens of Freudianism that the psychological scar inflicted by this act of parental desertion frequently induces the daughter , when she is of an age to start questing for a swain , to seek a substitute for the departed archetype .
7 Erm because , she is of an equal status
8 By the next evening , she was of a different mind .
9 She was of a certain age , so mebbe her painting days are over .
10 She was of a somewhat unusual design , rather narrow in the beam with a wide , bulbous underwater section midships , but in spite of a tendency to roll heavily in a beam sea she was a surprisingly good sea boat as she was to prove in the years that followed .
11 She was of a nervous disposition , Miss Kilspindie .
12 ‘ … poor , almost illiterate … her pride was that she was of the Clanranald .
13 Fergus had divined how afraid she was of the doll-mask and had dealt with it in his own way , daring her to let it all hang out , quoting Yeats at her in his Irish voice .
14 Stephanie did not like cut glass : she was of the generation that discovered the plain , the functional , the Finnish , Dartington .
15 She was of the opinion there was more to the girl than might reasonably be expected .
16 She had never been so aware of anyone as she was of the powerful man who had entered her life so abruptly .
17 She was unbearably aware of the tensile strength of his incipient beard beneath the shaven smoothness of his jaw , just as she was of the aroused hardness of his body , controlled , contained but testifying to his rampant masculinity in a way that was driving her to abandon the last remaining threads of self-control .
18 She gave me the names of all her friends and said how proud she was of the life her father had given her .
19 Far from being tempted to explain anything then , she was of the view that she 'd see him in hell first .
20 Fond though she was of the other girl , she could n't take much more of this .
21 She had sensed from the beginning that his compliments to her were of a different kind from those he bestowed so liberally upon every female in sight , but she could n't tell him that , while in her heart she liked them , she might be annoyed by his assumption that they were always acceptable .
22 20 But while he thought on these things , behold , the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream , saying , Joseph , thou son of David , fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife : for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost .
23 The address he gave her was of a private cinema in the old quarter .
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