Example sentences of "she [modal v] not [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He was a man whom , by rights , she ought not even to like .
2 The minor mistake she may not even have made — for society 's judgment , not actual guilt , is what counts — is likely to dog her forever .
3 She needs to find someone or something to blame for the catastrophe that has overtaken her , so she looks for reasons , because she may not yet be ready to face up to the extremely anxiety-provoking fact that life itself is unpredictable and the world is an insecure place .
4 In a manufacturing company , he or she may not only do public relations for the Board of Directors and the general information about the company as a whole , but may also have to satisfy a marketing department who demand the benefits of public relations for their products .
5 He says she may not fully recover .
6 She may not live long and I wo n't ever have known her .
7 But she may not always choose to have fewer children .
8 Perhaps the reason is that she has been persuaded that teacher approval , and whatever other more tangible extrinsic rewards may follow , are in short supply and to gain what she needs she must not simply ( or even necessarily ) improve but also get ( or merely stay ) ahead of others .
9 She must not only dress modestly , but behave modestly as well .
10 If not for the help of the librarian she might not even have found the book .
11 She might not trust Guy Sterne , she might not even like him very much , she might suspect him of being a ruthless womaniser and profiteer … but she wanted him here , with her … now where was the logic in that ?
12 She had a glass of gin in her hand , but she was not drinking it , just holding it as if it might offer her the cheer and support that she might not otherwise find elsewhere .
13 ‘ You promise ? ’ mother said , a slight stitching of her brows as she sat back in the ladder-backed seat the only indication that she might not entirely believe me .
14 But what she was about to do , that was a real , honest-to-goodness gold-wired sin she might not live long enough to regret .
15 She might not now think of this as the action of a deflated bully , but the symptoms are classic .
16 He 'll explain how one day she 'll not only be a princess — but an heiress too .
17 She 'll not quite learn
18 She 'll not likely be doing them for a while . ’
19 Alexandra felt smooth and neat and tight and regretful that , with Lyddy to keep a stern eye on standards , she could not secretly leave off her stays when the weather got warmer as she did occasionally at Bewick .
20 Her dislike of being alone after dark had certainly diminished as the weeks went by , but she could not honestly say that she was completely carefree .
21 There was one resignation from the committee in June , Elise felt she could not longer continue as publicity officer and we asked Rosetta to step into that office .
22 Pressing his hand against her bosom or kissing his fingers softly and reverently , she told him that she knew and had always known that only she could make him happy , that there was already a mystical bond between them and that if she could not soon feel his arms about her and his lips upon her own , she would sink away into despair .
23 Suddenly , lost in misery , she could not even remember why .
24 Phoebe lived in a totally other world , a world she could not even begin to penetrate , a calm world of profound indifference , which is not the world that Maggie lived in , nor the one she wanted to live in .
25 She could not even say she truly felt she had had Ferdinando with her those four months .
26 The patient , whom I shall call Maxine , first came to see me because she had a phobia about water — a phobia which was becoming so exaggerated that she could not even bear to put her hands in water and had to rely on creams and lotions to cleanse her face and body .
27 Indeed , she could not even remember the day in question or her request for a baby to play with .
28 She could not even stand by herself yet she has has been the victim of a most brutal assault in her own bed .
29 She could not even claim the innocence and impetuosity of youth .
30 She could not help reflecting , as she pushed a magazine into the first letter box , that a world in which Daimler drivers could pay four hundred thousand pounds for a country house while she could not even muster a couple of hundred for Luke 's modest share of an old transit van had a certain imbalance to it .
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