Example sentences of "she [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Overwhelmed by not having noticed this earlier , by his failure of politeness , observation and helpfulness , all that had been taught him from boyhood up , Richard proceeded at the double onto the Embankment , to escort her on to Lord Jim .
2 However , rather than getting upset about this it spurs her on to try harder to show that they are worth watching .
3 After she reaches the mountain stronghold of the guerrillas , the ‘ Old Woman with the 2 pistols ’ who leads the guerrillas , commiserates with her , but she rallies round , and makes a speech saying that her husband 's death will spur her on to fight with new vigour for the Liberation .
4 He put her on to Mortgage Business , a company which offers high equity loans for the self-employed .
5 After making several trips to Headquarters in Lincoln 's Inn and each time letting the bus take her on to Aldgate East , she managed to resign from the movement .
6 His frankly delighted countenance spurred her on to effort : ‘ I myself , ’ she heard herself saying , ‘ am very much looking forward to going to Japan for the first time .
7 ‘ Your absence meant that I had her all to myself at breakfast — with the additional pleasure of escorting her personally to school . ’
8 The matron we had then , a supercilious woman , told me to take her along to Thorn House , as they 'd know what to do .
9 Later on , they loaded her on to the hand-cart and trundled her along to Bartholomew Close . ’
10 Fortunately Chief Petty Officer Richard Saunders RN , my husband 's father , had taught him very early how to box the compass and he was able to bring her north of Scotland , round our north eastern seaboard and bring her in to Chatham dockyard for paying-off .
11 ‘ My cousin is something of a wine connoisseur , Mr Tyler , ’ said Miss Amy Hall as he escorted her in to dinner .
12 It was Robert who took her in to dinner .
13 However , once again it was he who took her in to dinner .
14 He took her in to dinner .
15 When the Rector gravely offered Alexandra his arm to take her in to dinner , Robert 's face fell so utterly that she took his arm as well , and moved lopsidedly from the room between her ill-assorted escorts to the unspeakable anguish of the baby .
16 Well , Herman Schrijver says he will hire a car when the warm weather comes and drive her down to lunch with me in the Green Belt … .
17 ‘ They 'll bring her down to Florence in that case ? ’
18 Was this his way of cutting her down to size ?
19 Aubrey says Lady Debrace is taking her down to Brighton for some sea air , but I do n't suppose they 'll go for long .
20 I was merely taking her down to London for a day .
21 Its reputation was lifted in the sixteenth century , when Marguerite de Navarre came here and ( perhaps ) wrote some of her Heptameron , as a respite from the rigours of the cure , before the atrocious weather — in the prologue she quickly complains of the rainfall in Cauterets — drove her down to Sarrance .
22 It was the sound of a dull thud from the direction of the bedroom which brought her down to earth with shattering finality , icing her blood , freezing her to the spot .
23 At eighteen , in love with love , she 'd accepted his ring and walked on air until common sense had brought her down to earth and made her realise that marriage to him would be a total disaster .
24 Ruth Michaelis felt betrayed from the time her mother brought her over to England and left her with the Reverend Stead and his family .
25 You must take her over to Rico 's place in Portugal . ’
26 He handed her over to Simon .
27 They were vague shadowy figures , rather like her own mother had been , except that she remembered them slightly better because , when she had been about eight years old , Granny Tremayne had driven her over to Newquay where they had been staying .
28 Mildred hopped inside and was picked up by Maud , who took her over to Enid .
29 He 'd been quite happy , relieved even , to hand her over to Mr Taylor 's care .
30 He took her by back streets to Golden Lane , where he handed her over to Noakes , the mortuary attendant .
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