Example sentences of "she [verb] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll bet she goes for Cybermen .
2 At the end of two years she applied for jobs with various banks and when I met her she had just been accepted as a trainee accounting technician .
3 She lived for occasions and would not miss one for the world .
4 When she turned on her mother , her face was scarlet and her double chin wobbled as she sought for words .
5 Desperately she sought for excuses when she knew there was none .
6 She refused to budge until she 'd got one or two matters in order , and , ignoring the fact that he looked ready to go and hunt up her bag himself if she did n't soon move herself , ‘ Is it all right for you to invite me to Mr and Mrs Hepwood 's home ? ’ she asked for starters , and braved his acid glance that said he 'd hardly be likely to issue an invitation if it was n't .
7 She asked for explanations which she received without comment , as if listening to someone who had just incriminated herself .
8 She posed for photographs with six winners of the George Medal and a holder of the George Cross , all of whom were honoured for their work in dismantling bombs .
9 ‘ Although Maureen seems to be kept busy driving after work and I think she looks better than she has for ages . ’
10 She needs to find someone or something to blame for the catastrophe that has overtaken her , so she looks for reasons , because she may not yet be ready to face up to the extremely anxiety-provoking fact that life itself is unpredictable and the world is an insecure place .
11 Sometimes she stopped for hours to gaze across the sea , to peer between rocks , to watch an osprey ride the thermals .
12 Guessing what might greet her in the canteen , she opted for sandwiches in the laboratory , but because today no one else on the team was prepared to forgo his lunch-hour proper she was on her own until she was interrupted .
13 ‘ The architecture , the forests of trees , the very air , ’ she replied for starters .
14 ‘ I knew she went to a certain museum but I did n't know where else she went , nor any of her sources , nor what she paid for things .
15 Like Julian , who tells us that she wrestled for years with the problem of sin , Luther and St Teresa both struggled for some twenty years with a paralysing sense of their own sinfulness .
16 She hunted for memories : the rose and umber reefs of Mars lapped with Antarctic snowfields .
17 She campaigned for prisoners ' rights as secretary of the Women 's Prisoners ' Defence League from 1922 ; edited Prison Bars in 1937–8 ; and was the Republican party of Ireland candidate in the local government elections of 1936 .
18 In the early 1920s she campaigned for widows ' pensions .
19 The man she shared her bed with , the man she cooked for , the man she loved for decades , has turned into someone completely unrecognisable .
20 Lore went as a receptionist to an army hospital in Abergele and then was posted to Canterbury , where she worked for Personnel Selection .
21 Though she listened for sounds in the house , she heard none : Sir Gregory 's organization ran smoothly , and all the watchers would have been sent to their posts long before .
22 She asks for lists of their favourite records .
23 Alright , not use slang , show belief in the way he or she asks for recommendations
24 Alice thought , as she looked for signs to the Underground , I am frightened .
25 As she looked for things to furnish the house with , Signora Silvana , with her innate good taste and love of beautiful things , developed another interest — collecting antiques — and the result is the Country House Hotel .
26 The dimples she kept for emergencies suddenly appeared in Felicity 's cheeks .
27 She cried for hours , heart-broken .
28 She bawled for ages .
29 She battled for weeks to get the compound manager to fix the leak .
30 I remember one subject that required that she lay flat on the ground , and this she did for hours on end while I drew her .
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