Example sentences of "she [verb] time [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 In retirement she has time to enjoy her leisure interests , choral singing , fell-walking , wild flowers , as well as being involved in many local organisations , doing ‘ Meals on Wheels ’ and perusing a hoard of old family letters dating back to 1809 .
2 Suddenly she has time to think of herself , and this may be something of a shock .
3 After 1914 she concentrated on teaching , but she found time to compile an attitude survey , the Women 's Industrial Council report on Domestic Service ( 1916 ) , and her pamphlet on Village Survey-Making ( 1929 ) encouraged country schools to hunt out information about the past and present of their localities .
4 Although Melody had already said her farewells to Seb , she found time to visit Anna before she left with the others .
5 But throughout her course , and while at the Royal College of Art doing her MA , she continued to develop her felting whenever she found time to go north .
6 On yet another , from New York to France in 1826 , she found time to write a preface to her father 's recently discovered memoirs , published in Philadelphia in 1827 .
7 Had she had time to free Tommaso from his changed shape ?
8 Did she have time to run away ?
9 She finds time to sit down with the patient before she 's wheeled off to X-Ray , explaining exactly how the lung will be sealed off , that pain is inevitable and how it will be controlled .
10 In truth , she needed time to recover her composure — her sudden breathlessness at the realization that the long-yearned-for reunion was within her grasp .
11 Besides , she probably had n't got over being angry ; she needed time to cool down .
12 She was fed up with her life in London , a whirlwind of social engagements which recently had seemed unbearably shallow , and more to the point she needed time to put her engagement to Jonathan , or rather her decision to break it off , into perspective .
13 She needed time to digest the idea of Bridget and Geoffrey having been lovers , even for a short period .
14 She said that she needed time to think about what I had told her .
15 She needed time to think .
16 She needed time to think , to decide what to do .
17 She needed time to think but there was n't any .
18 If this was the end then she needed time to come to terms with it by herself .
19 The question disturbed her and she took time to answer .
20 She took time to think about that , then lifted the telephone .
21 ‘ Take this as a promise of my intention , ’ he went on as if she had n't spoken , and before she had time to realise what he intended to do , his mouth was on hers , harsh and demanding .
22 Almost before she had time to realise what he had in mind , Adam lowered his head to hers and she swayed helplessly in his arms , weakened all over again by the incredible sweetness of his mouth .
23 She hesitated , even opened her mouth ; but , before she had time to grasp it , the moment had gone .
24 Before she had time to close it , Viola said loudly : ‘ Much too strong .
25 She had time to kill before then .
26 She had time to take things out of a cupboard , look at them , and then put them back in a cupboard lower down .
27 She had time to do no more than read the names on the other four sheets .
28 She reached for the phone , and had her hand actually on it when , before she had time to pick it up , it suddenly rang .
29 Then he added before she had time to answer , ‘ I expect you have an English lesson pretty soon — especially since you did n't have one this afternoon ? ’
30 Ronni suspected he probably would n't , but before she had time to answer Guido elaborated , ‘ But little wonder .
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