Example sentences of "she [verb] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 She must 've left her statement , walked over to her car and she checked the car before she checked the four kids .
2 She got the 7.15 bus , feeling an anxious as a mother who is n't home in time for when her little boy comes back from school .
3 She asked the two men all about driving a steam train , and they showed her the automatic brake , and the little clock faces that told them how much steam the engine was making .
4 When she asked the 56 children in the study who they would go to if worried about something , they chose their mother ; not one said they would go to their father .
5 But she made it immediately clear that she regarded the two policemen as being of a social order little higher than the servants .
6 She caught the seven-forty-five bus . "
7 She caught the twenty to nine bus .
8 In 1927 she swam the 120 miles from London to Folkestone in stages ; and on 7 October 1927 , at her eighth attempt , she became the first Englishwoman to swim the Channel ( from France to England in 15 hrs. 15 min . ) .
9 She found the three others standing disconsolately between the jagged stones .
10 A ten-minute soak worked wonders on Merrill 's jaded sense of well-being , and when she went down she found the three of them seated around a huge log fire .
11 Whether she accepts the one or not to sell and she er mm , oh that 's quite nice .
12 No , because she had , she only needed a teenager left , she done the fifty to sixty age group
13 Mary smiled as she negotiated the three awkward steps down to the sunken floor of the huge kitchen .
14 Then she roused the two children , urging them to be quiet , and to quickly wash , dress , and eat a bowl of cornflakes .
15 When Sam flopped as she hosted the 1989 Brit pop awards Pat was her shoulder to cry on .
16 She surveyed the four ground-floor windows .
17 ‘ Whatever the uncertainties the last few weeks may have brought I want you to be certain of this — our work together will continue unchanged , ’ she told the 40 charities of which she is patron .
18 She was smiling at the old woman in the window ; she nodded to Melissa as she climbed the two or three stone steps leading to the house .
19 She joined The I-Threes in ‘ 73 , who became part of Bob 's show when Bunny Wailer and Peter Tosh quit in rows over touring and star billing in 1974 .
20 She handed the two pieces over , and O'Connor began to read them rapidly , looking up at her occasionally while he did so .
21 But she could n't say no , so somehow she raised the five hundred dollars to bail him out .
22 She grew more and more tired and depressed as she walked the fifteen miles back to Flintcomb-Ash , where only hard work awaited her .
23 She alighted from the train at East 74th Street and whistled softly to herself as she walked the two hundred yards down 72nd Street from the subway to her ground-floor bachelor flat .
24 Carrying the suitcase in one hand and the violin in the other , she walked the two hundred yards to Chelmsford station and caught the 15.53 to London .
25 She heard the two men come down the stairs and go into the kitchen .
26 She heard the three dogs barking , but before she went to see what was up , the phone rang .
27 She touched the .22 Pathfinder for reassurance as she removed the sheet .
28 Disturbed , Isa proposed Wilson and Pilade should come with her up to Bellosguardo for the afternoon and , since no protest was made , she hustled the two of them into her waiting carriage and whisked them off at once , leaving Maria with instructions to be there upon their return .
29 Rape clearly contravenes international law and she cites the 1907 Hague Conventions , the '49 Geneva Conventions and the '77 Protocols to make her point .
30 Later , she watched the Nine o'clock News , shut the dogs in the kennels .
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