Example sentences of "she [verb] [indef pn] in " in BNC.

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1 She laid everything in an untidy heap in the leather box .
2 He said if she then sold her house he said put the capital he said alright he said she with not buying a you know , another house now you know the fact is he said alright if she got one in her area or wherever .
3 But she , you know , it was built for a long time before she got anything in it .
4 Never happy unless she has something in her mouth , ’ he confided to me .
5 Aye , but you know like you se she mentioned one in particular , like
6 Back in the cottage she found everyone in the kitchen .
7 If this kind of thing was allowed to continue , she might well start swaggering into Sunday service and shouting things like ‘ Bugger ! ’ or ‘ Piss off ! ’ if she found someone in her seat .
8 She noted everyone in the choir , indeed , as part of a determined effort not to gaze all the time at Giles Carnaby , who was in the back row , in the middle of the tenors , straight ahead of her , where she could consider him in detail — silvery hair , grey herring-bone tweed jacket , greenish shirt , paisley patterned silk tie ( so much for not gazing … )
9 ‘ And does she do anything in particular , this Janice ?
10 Given that she 'd nothing in particular to gain , the chances seemed to favour the first of these options .
11 Sometimes her lips moved and she muttered something in a low tone .
12 She hired one in Kyrenia and drove about recklessly — and very odd people were referring to her as ‘ Rosie ’ when I got there .
13 She guessed someone in Special Branch or the intelligence services had objected to her enquiries and that Spittals or the commander had simply capitulated .
14 She sees everything in soft focus but feels nothing .
15 She sees everything in soft focus , but feels nothing .
16 She found the responsibility of being the Mayor 's wife almost too much for her , and was in a constant flutter for fear she forgot something in connection with the entertainment of the steady procession of guests , important to Tollemarche , who filed through her home .
17 She heard someone in the background , a voice saying that Mr Cashman was insisting on seeing him .
18 She placed something in his left hand .
19 She had miscalculated : she thought everyone in the City insulted each other .
20 She thought everyone in the world knew , then she realized she was , indeed , behaving like a star , expecting not only that her nine-day scandal in the theatre would still be common knowledge after all this time , but also that he would know the details of her life since .
21 Marc 's eyes opened a fraction wider and she saw something in his eyes that had n't been there before .
22 And she once again had the strong , peculiar feeling that was coming over her more and more often : the feeling that she had nothing in common with those two-legged creatures with a head on their shoulders and a mouth in their face .
23 Sharing a small spartan room with two other girls — Northerners whose accent Paula found almost incomprehensible and with whom she had nothing in common , making breakfast in the communal kitchen , queuing for the bath , adhering to a strict curfew after which time the doors were locked and bolted — none of these were restrictions Paula had the slightest intention of enduring for long .
24 She began to rake from the front of the house towards the road , then realized she had nothing in which to put the leaves .
25 So what did she mean , the proprietress of the lugubrious little estaminet on the banks of the lovely Loire , what could she have meant when she said she had nothing in the house for lunch ?
26 Conversely , most other students , as well as former ‘ women 's libbers ’ , with whom Laura might have thought she had nothing in common , warmly welcomed her clothes .
27 She agreed to dance with him because , she says , she knew she had nothing in mind but to dance ( line 15 – 16 ) : i.e. from her point of view it was all innocent and involved nothing more serious than dancing .
28 The interchange would usually end with Gina kicking Nigel on the shin , clawing him or hitting him if she had something in her hands .
29 She had one in Bangkok from 1857 and in Tokyo from the following year .
30 How dared he imagine she had anything in common with those girls ?
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