Example sentences of "she [verb] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 After all she has been compared to Monroe , a parallel she does n't argue with although she insists she wo n't get into the same mess as the icon who screwed up her life with an overdose of men , booze and drugs .
2 She goes we might have won the prize yeah .
3 ‘ Whichever way she goes we can go more quickly because we can stay on the ride and she dare not .
4 So she goes I 'll found out but I 'm sure you do n't qualify it .
5 she goes I 'll do porno 's
6 Oh cos Sal and at speech day she goes God she goes I could do with a good screw .
7 For when she turns I shall see that she is unhappy and I shall be powerless to cheer her up .
8 Not that she expected there would be .
9 Besides , she expected he would still be sulking about the break-up of his band .
10 In the life she led it would have been all too easy to succumb to the myriad temptations on offer , but she had seen them for the shallow , worthless things they were , and valued her self-respect too highly to accept dross when she knew she must seek for gold .
11 In winter when she entertained she would send him outside to chop more wood for their open fire .
12 She made what would seem to have been a precarious living through writing , contributing to the Leisure Hour and Sunday at Home , and early in her career was helped by a generous gift of money from Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice , third Marquis of Lansdowne [ q.v . ] .
13 Paige looked down , knowing that whatever decision she made he would abide by .
14 She realised they 'd want her to be a double agent , so they 'd have a mole inside American Intelligence .
15 In the dream she was smiling , holding out her hands to the man and the children , but her smile slowly faded as she realised they could n't see her .
16 With her long sight she saw the size of the fire , and — well , she realised it would need at least five fire-engines .
17 So she declined , then immediately regretted it , because she realised it might have pleased him , made them complicit together .
18 She began to wave to a seat , but stopped herself — she realised it must look grimy to them as well .
19 She even thought he looked vaguely familiar , but then she realised it must be the type that seemed familiar .
20 She realised he could provide her with some top-class partners and she has made the best of them .
21 She realised he could teach her a thing or two about reserve .
22 She realised he must be going through some kind of hell waiting for the rime when he could let all his suppressed urges out .
23 As soon as she said it she realised he must know that anyway .
24 Horrified , she realised she would have to write and thank everyone .
25 However , when his mother , Adele Britton , tried to remove it , she realised she would have to call in the professionals .
26 When he looked away , she realised she would lose him for ever .
27 She could just see Roman 's car and she was blinded by a rush of tears as she realised she would never again sit in it by his side .
28 She would have given anything for a glimpse of the moon that had been shining when she was here before , but it was not there , and as the knocking gathered strength she realised she would have to go down .
29 She realised she might not be helping her cause , but it was satisfying to get the anger off her chest .
30 It was n't until she had almost reached it that she realised she might have left her watch behind .
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