Example sentences of "this be [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Schemes like this are part of the £23 billion
2 I am on medication for high blood pressure ; could this be part of the problem ?
3 Oh would this be sort of formal would the p other person be dressed in sort of black clothes or Aha .
4 The main tenets of this were nationalisation of foreign concessions , expropriation of large landed estates ( although it was not specified to whom they should be transferred , an omission reflecting the ambivalent attitudes regarding the role of the peasantry , which proved one of the most controversial issues in the debates between Latin American and Soviet Marxisms ) , repudiation of the national debt , rejection of imperialist control over the economy , the fight for an eight-hour day and the ‘ stamping out of semi-slave-like conditions of labour ’ .
5 Not even the horrendous edit at track 3 , 3′10″ can detract from the splendours of a disc that completely overturns any ideas one might have had of this being Bruckner at his most jejune .
6 East Anglia and the South-West also grew , by 110,000 and 189,000 respectively , some of this being overspill from their megalopolitan neighbour .
7 This is relativity with a vengeance , and many of us have felt than in a case like this the scales that Eliot measures by are not so much sliding as slithering .
8 I start off with a Bloody Mary as this is breakfast in a sense , then cleanse the palate with a bottle of Pils .
9 There is yet another area of intellectual activity that is supported by reading , and this is speculation of the ‘ what if … ? ’ kind , found in science fiction ( SF ) .
10 His idea wo n't work , says Beowulf , for the pressure on heroes to take blood-revenge is too strong — it seems , though this is speculation from other sources , that Ingeld 's father Fróda was killed by the Danish king who now wants to make alliance with his son .
11 Therefore this is evidence for the view that whereas certain volatiles such as the inert gases were acquired during accretion , others such as carbon and nitrogen ( and hydrogen ) were acquired subsequently .
12 Furthermore , the relative dispersion of the unemployment percentages ( as measured by the coefficient of variation ) was lower in 1985 than in 1975 : this is evidence of a narrowing of the differentials between the regions , possibly a result of recent regional economic policy initiatives .
13 This is evidence of continuing support from the family in weathering the changes .
14 This is evidence of both extreme and young source enrichments in U and Th relative to Pb ( ref. 7 ) .
15 This is evidence against there being two types of crust on Venus .
16 This is back of the stage .
17 This is support to which the family might seem peculiarly suited , since it is concerned with personal anxieties and fears , the realm of the intimate .
18 it is rather difficult to know whether this is support for Krashen 's proposal or not , but it certainly implies the separation of the process of meaning construction from the determination of final output form .
19 So I thought , this is money for old rope , you know .
20 The prosecution claims this is money from the post office robbery .
21 This is settlement by contra .
22 Coming from the face-fungus-clad Mr Bushell , this is bit like Grace And Favour 's Mr Humphries complaining that Frank Bruno is a bit of a weed .
23 An example of this is tuberculosis of the lung ( pulmonary TB ) .
24 As sure as I have tusks , this is ontology on the hoof .
25 This is suspect for precisely the same reasons we considered when discussing option two .
26 On the other hand , this is anathema to many accountants , particularly those involved in business , because they are used to seeing a single set of financial statements .
27 An example of this is variation between low and mid-front realizations of /a/ before velar consonants in words of the type rag , pack , bang , which show only slight differences in terms of age and sex within inner-city Belfast .
28 This is poetry to , for , and about the Friend , and the Poet is merely vox .
29 However , this is water under the bridge .
30 This is radicalism at its most aristocratic .
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