Example sentences of "this state of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This state of things must indeed seem strange to the young people of today who can fly off for a summer in Katmandu with scarcely a quiver of apprehension or pause for wonder .
2 At one time the two water companies were in active competition and any person paying the rates , whether landlord or tenant , could change his water company as easily as his butcher or baker … although this state of things has long since ceased , and the companies have come to an arrangement so that the people can not now change their supply , all the same , the result of their earlier competition remains .
3 As a nation , however , we acquiesced in this state of things .
4 This state of gens promiscuity is , however , imaginary and so the reasoning is irrelevant .
5 Some of them tried to make amends for their own earlier contribution to this state of affairs and moved to include me more fully in the life of the school — a few even started to invite me back home for meals and things .
6 This state of affairs has complicated my present task , since what was current when I began thinking about this book a few years ago , and , indeed , when working on earlier drafts of it , is now ceasing to be so .
7 This state of affairs is not , I think , an aberration , but is inevitable in the structures of higher education .
8 A natural response to this state of affairs would be to say that theory cut off from the writing of literature is no more than a sterile academicism .
9 Perhaps no one would deny this ; but as each generation of students arrives more defiantly or hopelessly monoglot , as a whole new discipline ( called ‘ Comparative Literature ’ ) has come into being to cater for those exceptional persons who can read more languages than one , the need for a classroom manual to redress this state of affairs becomes ever more urgent .
10 So , as they had done with the relations of production , Marx and Engels tried to show that this state of affairs was not inevitable , but the product of a specific historical development .
11 However , in order to show the ‘ historical ’ nature of this state of affairs they had to stress the existence of previous stages when private property was absent .
12 Given this state of affairs , everyone should , in theory , be able to relax with a tranquil mind , secured by the logical impossibility of anyone winning a nuclear war .
13 Having flouted the people 's wishes , they even have the cheek to call this state of affairs ‘ democratic ’ .
14 It is this state of affairs which Labour and the Liberal Democrats would have continue .
15 Since the ability to draw is not seen as particularly important , this state of affairs has not come to the fore .
16 It would have taken something of a miracle to attract the capital investment which might have begun to change this state of affairs .
17 The general opinion was that the court was ‘ vulgar and in bad taste ’ , but interestingly enough it was not the King who was held responsible for this state of affairs .
18 It was ridiculous to blame the Court , and by implication the sovereigns themselves , for this state of affairs , but the opponents of the regime were not selective in their targets .
19 This state of affairs is inherited , consuming an awful lot of the nation 's gross domestic product , with no manufacturing output .
20 At times Ludens wondered whether this state of affairs might not go on for ever , whether he might not give up his job and become Marcus 's — what ? — friend , secretary , servant , dog .
21 He liked Donald a great deal ; and the prospect of the man 's imminent death did nothing to dispel this feeling , since he was the person directly responsible for this state of affairs .
22 This state of affairs is an example of discrimination against the needs of older people ; it not only causes great suffering but unnecessary economic costs .
23 There is no virtue in several injections of insulin if the patient is well controlled on a single injection each day , but this state of affairs is unlikely to be the case in a patient who has had diabetes for a number of years and has little residual β-cell function .
24 This state of affairs has resulted in long periods of civil war beginning soon after independence .
25 Schools and colleges are businesses , and the Education Reform Act has confirmed this state of affairs , not created it .
26 This was the prerogerative reg=prerogative of the Met Officer and I for one was quite happy with this state of affairs .
27 Technology and Innovation is therefore to be welcomed as a first step towards changing this state of affairs .
28 In an effort to improve on this state of affairs , some museums have tried to regale the visitor with assorted snippets of information in ordinary English .
29 It is important to realize that this state of affairs is only temporary and that sex may become even more exciting and rewarding once the menopause has passed .
30 The only way to clarify this state of affairs is to say that if you see a cat 's pupils suddenly expand , without any change in light intensity or proximity of objects , then it is experiencing a state of strong emotional arousal .
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