Example sentences of "this may in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This may in turn lead to a build-up of idle money-capital arising from unused depreciation funds . )
2 This may in turn induce protest from subjects whose activation of any right or freedom to protest may make the task of governing more difficult .
3 This may in turn have caused the forelegs of prosauropods ( the Triassic forerunners of sauropods ) to become more massive , stimulated as they were by the repeated dropping onto all fours when moving slowly .
4 Generally , people are rather flattered at the thought of being so important , but this may in turn create the problem that they become untypical because they know that they are in the sample , and will be questioned regularly about their lives , activities , and attitudes .
5 A distortion of the market in this way not only impedes the allocative efficiency of the market but may have a bearing on public confidence in the stock market ; this may in turn adversely affect market liquidity .
6 Large-scale redundancies , particularly where the company employs a sizeable proportion of the workforce , are liable to result in a substantial reduction in local purchasing power ; this may in turn have a knock-on effect on other local businesses and on local tax revenues and hence municipally-provided services , and the ensuing high level of unemployment is likely to contribute more generally to a weakening of community relations .
7 This may in turn cure any subsequent errors .
8 This may in turn cure any subsequent errors .
9 This may in part be due to the similarity of styles used in much of the genre fiction , and the fact that readers ' expectations in terms of style are therefore rarely disappointed .
10 This may in part be true , but it ignores the mechanisms by which gold was obtained , assessed and utilised .
11 This may in part be explained by one half of the reciprocity taking the form of labour services and trade in consumables ; a large proportion of the goods which may be considered of high value by reason of the distance over which the raw materials had been transported , and their resulting rarity , may have been given for services , gifts or payments for work , what may be termed institutional exchange .
12 This may in part be explained by the lower compliance in the community studies : using intention to treat analysis results in a diluting of effect when compliance is low .
13 It is concluded that like EGF , TGF α can stimulate pancreatic cancer growth in vivo , and this may in part explain the aggressive nature of these cancers in cliical practice .
14 This may in part have been a political move , for if he was the son of Ealdorman Æthelmær of Wessex , as is usually assumed , he came from a major West Saxon family , and had a brother , Æthelweard , executed by Cnut in 1017 and a brother-in-law ( another Æthelweard ) banished in 1020 .
15 In Europe workers also gained from a slower growth , relative to prices in general , of consumer prices ; this may in part have reflected pressure on governments to increase subsidies or hold down nationalized industries prices .
16 It is , however , worth noting that the number of public companies , and their proportion of the total number of companies , is significantly higher in other member states , so that this may in time be of concern to a UK company with a subsidiary in another member state .
17 The researchers conclude that this may in time result in a depleted population of effectively " domesticated " rhinos , and warn that losing the genetic input of the wilder rhinos would have a dangerous impact on the gene pool .
18 This may in fact may have been the prime interest of most of those gathered at Enham , who seem to have been attending something very like a French peace meeting .
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