Example sentences of "this may [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This may partially explain the better results seen here compared with those obtained with metal stents in postsurgical strictures .
2 This may simply mean adding a flower , an attractively draped scarf or a glass of wine to the products to be photographed , but it may also mean creating a complete atmosphere .
3 This may simply mean a better understanding of historical sites , including those abroad in this age of mass foreign travel ; it may lead to active participation of an archaeological nature ; it may mean a better guide by which to judge or understand the paperback or so-called " historical novel " or the historical play on television .
4 In absolute terms this may simply represent trends in a growing economy .
5 The dog will not be able to recollect the cause of the punishment , and as a result this may simply serve to damage the bond between you .
6 This may simply involve a talk with the infected patient explaining the way in which the diseases are transmitted and asking that he or she make every effort to persuade the contacts to attend .
7 Initially , this may simply involve the elicitation of a sequence of sounds or actions which can be endowed with social meaning .
8 This may simply involve calculating correlations between two sets of test scores .
9 This may simply involve consulting an index of all the sites , finds and monuments in the area , but if such an index does not exist , extensive research in museums and libraries may be necessary to compile such an index before any work in the field takes place .
10 But this may simply reflect the tremendous difficulties involved in such trials .
11 We have already seen that this may simply have been a way of saying that Wulfstan had secured an undertaking that they were going to abandon practices which he found displeasing .
12 And she said it with such pride and such display that Clara did not feel at all obliged to conceal the amazement and delight that she felt , as she might , if confronted with a more worldly modesty , have done : for Clelia 's manner declared , this is singular this is beautiful , this may legitimately amaze , you betray no innocence in admiring this .
13 For the reader about to abandon the book this may easily uncover previously undisclosed information ; for the committed reader it can add to his overall perspective on the book , thus helping him understand the relation of the parts to the whole , e.g. D. Marquand , Ramsay MacDonald ( 1977 ) , is about more than a former Prime Minister .
14 In some cases this may even mean not using a page makeup package at all but rather a high-powered word processor like Lotus Manuscript , Word or WordPerfect 5.0 .
15 ‘ If she comes back , unharmed , unchanged , ’ said Cadfael , ‘ this may yet pass without harm or disgrace to any .
16 Something approaching this may yet emerge through Action for Governors ' Information and Training — a co-ordinating agency based in Coventry .
17 This may eventually lead to iii Deliberate segregation within an integrated unit , where a policy decision is made to pay special attention to the needs of the dementing within a sub-unit iv Positive segregation .
18 A persistent and well-argued case has to be answered and this may eventually have some influence on a minister .
19 It has placed its diplomatic future in the hands of one outside power , and this may eventually prove more dangerous than adopting a less aggressive policy towards its neighbours .
20 Indeed , this may grossly under-represent the present situation : the rapid spread of UNIX-based systems seems to facilitate competition and , at the time of writing , performance of workstations per unit cost seems to be increasing at about 50 per cent per annum .
21 But when they say that ‘ the agenda shifted on to health ’ , this may just mean ‘ Mr Kinnock talked a lot about health this morning ’ , or ‘ Mr Major tried to talk about taxes this morning , but we had that yesterday , so we kept asking him about health instead . ’
22 But this may also attract criticism from parents if they make their own comparisons about trends and innovations .
23 If someone else is living in your home , for example someone who has been caring for you , this may also mean the value is not taken into account .
24 This may also mean protecting us from the seamier side of Chinese life .
25 This may also involve physically not going to places ( e.g. the staffroom ) or meeting people ( your head of department ) who might set off the alarm by mistake .
26 This may also involve the help of the physiotherapist and occupational therapist .
27 This may also involve specifying the important concepts to be developed .
28 For example , solar radiation may warm the surface layer of the sea but this may also give a high evaporation rate increasing the salt concentration ; thus hot , salty water often overlies colder , less salty water .
29 If NSAIDs directly enhance leukotriene synthesis this may also contribute to mucosal injury .
30 This may also extend to corrective diets for certain unborn children who are potentially at risk .
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