Example sentences of "this time he be " in BNC.

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1 This time he is promoting a solo album .
2 This time he is the target of their action , while the miners are repeating virtually word for word the demands Mr Yeltsin made in a television broadcast two weeks before the strike began .
3 This time he is likely to fall victim to the above-average swing to Labour expected throughout the West Midlands .
4 He is on his fifth prison sentence , but this time he is determined to make a fresh start when he gets out .
5 This time he is holding water-birds against a strange background apparently consisting of snakes ( Figure 1 ) .
6 Again , he had had to resign in humiliating circumstances.So you can see why this time he is so anxious to avoid knocking copy .
7 This time he 's kept the somewhat wiggy feel and the one-liners but streamlined the satire and woken up to the necessities of plotting and dialogue .
8 This time he 's a little older .
9 August 1992 sees Tim setting off on a journey much nearer home and this time he 's inviting the wine-loving gourmets of Britain to join him .
10 Herod 's still at it , but this time he 's feeling worried because so many people keep telling him how wonderful this Jesus person is .
11 This time he 's brought along adorable dinosaur Yoshi .
12 This record sounds jaded and forced and while Ian Astbury may wish his heart to be buried at Wounded Knee , this time he 's succeeded in putting his foot well and truly in his mouth .
13 This time he 's a cyclist he 's a racing cyclist and he 's keeping up a steady twenty .
14 This time he 's going to tell the whole truth and nothing but . ’
15 This time he 's out of sight .
16 This time he 's going for it .
17 This time he 's the author of book , music and lyrics , though he is undoubtedly well guided in this instance by arranger Eric Boyd , and there is some very fine music indeed .
18 It definitely did , and er I think probably this time he 's rather rev , relieved that his game plan actually worked .
19 During the Depression Silver sold china and glass in Fifth Avenue , worked a petrol pump , and sold cigarettes wholesale ; but all this time he was collecting Walt Whitman ; he also studied for a Master 's degree in English at Boston University , which he was awarded in 1941 .
20 Lenin 's attitude , in so far as it is discernible , will be looked at in a moment , but by this time he was more cut off through illness from daily supervision of affairs .
21 So we called round but could n't find a record company , although by this time he was with RCA .
22 Around this time he was a heavy drinker although , as a conscientious professional , he did not let it affect his game .
23 This time he was caught by Douglas Farquhar , the officer commanding 602 .
24 He rested against the bank , waiting , and this time he was sure that he felt something .
25 By this time he was regarded by MI6 as one of its most trusted officers who was very adept at handling the most complex and dangerous operations .
26 During this time he was inspired by a book called London Labour and London Poor by Henry Mayhew .
27 It was n't the first time he 'd thought that , but this time he was sure .
28 Ironically , the most successful and varied stage of Hardy 's architectural career came under Crickmay between 1869 and 1872 , despite the fact that by this time he was working on a freelance basis while writing his first novels .
29 This time he was squeezing the bedhead .
30 This time he was virtually friendless , and his old comrade and employer , Motamid had died , leaving his son Mostain to rule over Saragossa .
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