Example sentences of "this time that he " in BNC.

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1 It was during this time that he was invited to the discussions of the CIV/n group , a gathering of poets of the more serious sort — and to some extent inspired by Ezra Pound 's revitalising energies , even as its name was culled from his writings — who had just launched a new poetry magazine of that name .
2 Leonard was keen to assert his own lead in that movement , for it was during this time that he was compiling his second book ( five years after the first ) The Spice-Box Of Earth , which was published in 1961 to great critical acclaim .
3 It was around this time that he met George Underwood who was to become a lifelong friend .
4 And it was during this time that he had lost his wife , lost his job , lost his sense of himself as a separate human soul , and in struggle worked out the theory that he was nothing but a sick character in the hands or under the pen of a malevolent Author .
5 It was at this time that he first came across some Nonconformist pastors from Shrewsbury and was deeply impressed and helped by the ‘ fervent prayers , godly conversation and holiness ’ of their lives .
6 It was at this time that he commissioned both Cooper and Sadler in the field , in recognition of their services , an action which was later thought to have been highly irregular .
7 It was about this time that he started telling Lewis Wyvis Hall would be his one day .
8 Yet it was around this time that he settled for being an actor .
9 It was around this time that he went to collect his Mercedes from a car showroom and found himself being gathered in for the Lord .
10 It was probably around this time that he left the household of his cousin Richard Neville earl of Warwick , where he had been placed in 1465 .
11 And indeed it was from this time that he began to suffer the kind of serious ill health which was regularly to affect him for the rest of his life .
12 It was during this time that he studied the Saxon language and the Anglo Saxon laws .
13 It was about this time that he started to court Sylvestre , and in the year 1583 she agreed to marry him .
14 As one example , we know that it was at this time that he took the opportunity to fill the vacant see of York since the canons were present and thus he could postulate and consecrate Walter Gray .
15 After National Service in the RAF , he worked for for eight years and it was during this time that he came in contact with , whilst the Belfast mill was being refurbished .
16 It was probably around this time that he left the household of his cousin Richard Neville earl of Warwick , where he had been placed in 1465 .
17 She looked at him again and saw this time that he was watching her .
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