Example sentences of "this was [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 From the Labyrinth 's south-west entrance a paved ramp , now eroded beyond recognition , led down to a bridge over the Vlychia stream ; on the south side this was supported on a finely built stone viaduct , which carried the road on south-eastwards along the north front of the Pilgrim Hostel and then southwards between yet more Minoan houses .
2 I think some of this was lost on the non-Aryan members of our section , such as the Polynesians who could in no way pretend that their ancestry stretched back to the Vikings .
3 This was discovered on 1:25 000 OS sheets SP13 and SP04/14 and published in The Ley Hunter 's Companion ( Thames & Hudson , 1979 ) .
4 There was always trenchant opposition to Japanese annexation of Korea and this was revealed on the left and the right of the political spectrum .
5 When this was announced on April 20th they stressed that the office 's sole purpose will be to investigate the fate of the 2,278 Americans still listed as missing in action in Indochina .
6 This was completed on April 15th 1924 , and two days later , the first Blackpool double-deck car operated from Squires Gate to the Cabin .
7 This was made on 24 July , between cardinal Beaton , the earls of Huntly , Argyll , Lennox , Bothwell , Sutherland and Menteith , the bishops of Moray , Whithorn , Dunblane and Orkney , and thirty-six prominent lords and lairds .
8 This was made on a piece of 3mm hardboard measuring 300mm by 230mm ( 12″ by 9″ ) although you can adjust these measurements to suit yourself ; nothing else is affected by this .
9 Compensation of £250,000 was involved , and this was met on a fifty-fifty basis between the local authorities concerned and the Gas Board .
10 Unfortunately this was damaged on the way when they ran over a mine and had to be abandoned .
11 This was constructed on the base of the last remaining toastrack 163 , which had been stored in Fleetwood Depot .
12 On 2 January 1922 a decree issued by VTsIK ( the All-Union Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party ) arranged for the requisitioning of valuable articles from museums , and this was followed on 16 February by the more controversial decree on the seizure of Church treasures .
13 This was followed on 13 July by another , similar in vein except that the demand was somewhat scaled down .
14 This was followed on 1 July 1893 by the first all-corridor trains in the UK : three new trains of six coaches each , used on the West Coast route to Scotland , two in service and one in reserve .
15 This was followed on 14 February 1717 by Pastorals , viz. The Bashful Swain : and Beauty and Simplicity .
16 This was followed on 13 June 1992 by the following question and answer between Gill and the Foreign Secretary : .
17 This was followed on Jan. 8 , 1990 , by a one-day private visit to Uganda by Habyarimana .
18 This was followed on July 13 by the night-time departure of the remaining asylum-seekers from the other embassies .
19 This was followed on Dec. 7 , 1989 , by an agreement to open direct flights between the two countries .
20 This was followed on Feb. 22 by reports of the killing of two Shia Moslem guerrillas by UNIFIL forces in UN-policed territory near Israel 's security zone .
21 This was based on classification of the proportions of the bodies of the vessels and the decorative motifs employed .
22 This was based on a revival of Plato 's ideas and so is called Neoplatonism .
23 This was based on subtracting the calories consumed in food from the calories required to keep the body going .
24 This was based on correlation between the shape matrix and the shapes of words .
25 This was based on the assumption that once supranational institutions had been set up in one economic sector , interest groups would look to that political level for the realisation of their demands , and that in time the groups would begin to appreciate the value to themselves of integration .
26 This was based on net price to earnings ratios and total market capitalisation — equity market value plus total debt , less cash , to turnover ratios .
27 This was based on the research of Nesta Webster , the grand dame of British conspiracy theory , who saw Jews in alliance with other subversive forces , as being behind all the ills of the modern world , from the threats to the British Empire through to the nudity movement .
28 This was based on four cases including two cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma but none of leukaemia .
29 It also raises the possibility that the younger children in Emerson 's task may indeed have understood that there is a directional component to the meaning of because , but that this was based on a grasp of causal direction and not the temporal priority for which Emerson was testing .
30 In the last interview he gave to a French journalist before the war began , Ho , in envisaging the way in which ‘ at all costs war must be averted ’ , seemed to accept independence within the French Union ; although unless this was based on a total misunderstanding of the nature of the French Union , which also seems unlikely , this was probably more of a smoke-screen than a smoke-signal .
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