Example sentences of "this is [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One lawyer should allocate all one-off instructions , provided this is practical given the numbers involved .
2 N nobody strange well this is strange to relate .
3 This is impossible to answer , but he does suggest that it is likely to be more than the planners currently recommend .
4 This is impossible to predict with any degree of certainty .
5 This is impossible to do by staying within the lines , although it is easy to get close to success .
6 Unfortunately , no trials of efficacy were carried out at that time , and this is impossible to do now as the vaccination schedules are in such widespread use .
7 It may be found from testing that this is impossible to achieve due to the ambiguity in previous word positions .
8 But do n't be dismayed — this is unimportant provided that you have learnt during your studies how to find out for yourself , to think for yourself and to express yourself .
9 This is essential to facilitate the smooth running of a sale and to provide the client with regular written status reports .
10 This is essential to facilitate the smooth running of a sale to be able to brief the client at any time .
11 This is essential to bridge sectoral barriers , to ensure cohesive and effective group work in obtaining reliable analyses of local circumstances , and in utilising local resources to the full .
12 This is essential to prepare our children for an ever-changing world and to retrain employees whose traditional role within a company will change with the advent of computers in general and micros in particular .
13 This is essential to keep the body healthy .
14 It seems that the reason for this is that to hold otherwise would be to give rise to an unacceptable degree of uncertainty .
15 The point I am trying to make from all this is that to win a karate bout needs two things — your ability to defeat the opponent and the referee panel 's ability to recognise your superior performance .
16 This is surprising given the demanding nature of the potential category , and at first sight disappointing , since it casts no light on why the youngest children ( 57 per cent success ) do so much worse at the task than the older children ( 86 per cent success ) .
17 Oh this is brilliant have you ever seen it ?
18 This is understandable given the multitude of pressures and changes that characterise the teachers ’ working environment .
19 Although clearly at odds with the ‘ socialist ’ economy , all this is chicken-feed compared with a far more serious problem — nietroudovyie dokhody — or ‘ unearned income ’ — as it is euphemistically called .
20 And this is nice to know that there is sometimes if you put your head down and work hard at something there is something at the end of the rainbow .
21 The saving throws for troops is not given on their profile because this is variable depending on the armour they wear .
22 This is great to knit as you go , but you can also sew rouleaux together to make the scalloped lace if you do n't want to use your machine — it takes longer , but you can do it anywhere .
23 Because photography was already well established in 1880 , this is easy to see .
24 This is easy to lay as it is self-levelling , needing no trowelling .
25 Of course this is easy to say but difficult to do .
26 This is easy to use — all the boxes and fields are assigned simply by dragging the cursor over the screen — a good idea .
27 This is easy to do but please do not try to hurry up the process up as ‘ slow and steady ’ seems to give the best results and takes less time than trying to hurry .
28 If this is easy to do the bed is probably too hard .
29 This is easy to do in lectures .
30 Likewise , if you find you will need specialist equipment , even though this is easy to hire , you may prefer to leave the whole job to a specialist firm .
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