Example sentences of "this [was/were] because the " in BNC.

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1 partly this was because the current account deficit appears much smaller in current ( 1980s ) data than it was thought to be by contemporaries ; mainly , it would seem , because the invisible position was actually much better than was then realized .
2 But it is impossible to say whether this was because the partner 's monitoring of management boosted efficiency or because the Morgan association generally indicated a monopoly .
3 C. Anne Wilson says , in her Food and Drink in Britain , that this was because the pine-cone was known as a pineapple in the 17th century .
4 Mr Wilson-Brown , who opened the first computerised perchery barn with piped radio three months ago , said yesterday : ‘ We were concerned when production fell and realised that this was because the hens did not like the endless election news , comment and argument .
5 This was because the £3 3s. 0d. subscription was still the same as in 1907 not having been increased , making the return on the bond if taken as golf still only around the 3% level , clearly the capital could earn better interest elsewhere .
6 This was because the process of decommissioning was expected to take place so many years ahead that its costs were easily discounted into the future .
7 Usually this was because the grandparents had died too soon , but in a few cases it was because of distance .
8 This was because the field now included more subtle nasty strategies capable of preying ruthlessly upon such an out-and-out softy .
9 This was because the landscape is flat , or gently undulating , and so there were few places which specially attracted people .
10 This was because the Secretary of State for the Environment , Michael Heseltine , was charged by the Prime Minister to take particular interest in , and suggest responses to , the problems of Liverpool .
11 This was because the scientific elite of the Athenaeum , on whom the correspondents relied , were well aware that research on controlled thermonuclear reactions was already being furtively pursued in a few British laboratories .
12 This was because the system of land tenure was remarkably different from other areas , and there were a large number of ‘ statesmen ’ or ‘ estatesmen ’ who were small freeholders .
13 This was because the Bratianu dynasty flourished at the top of an increasingly Westernized society , whose new value it symbolized .
14 This was because the deuterium was continuing to be dissolved into the palladium and this takes energy out of the surroundings , acting like a refrigerator .
15 I think this was because the cards in the pack have to be multi-purpose , that is , suitable for more than one stitch .
16 At one time it was thought that this was because the dunnock was a recent cuckoo host , but Chaucer 's reference in The Parlement of Foules makes it clear that the dunnock was a popular cuckoo host as long ago as the 14th century .
17 In firm B this was because the senior partner had the larger company clients ; in firm D it was because larger clients were more rarely involved in probate matters .
18 This was because the higher pressures and temperatures required more advanced materials engineering , which was often only worthwhile if there were also economies of scale ( the 200MW sets with advanced steam conditions built later , for example , used less than half as much steel per MW as the simple 30MW sets the BEA were installing ) .
19 Partly this was because the division of the radio spectrum was fixed internationally , and the government was guarantor of British conformity to the agreement .
20 The Club claimed that this was because the premises were licensed but fans had other interpretations .
21 This was because the post ( vertical portion ) and arm ( horizontal portion ) both locate over moulded and shaped sections .
22 No doubt this was because the weather was much better , now that September was under way ; it was cooler and the spectators could stroll in the sunshine without needing the shade of umbrellas .
23 This was because the state played a crucial role in segregating immigrants into twilight zones as a result of its making council housing available mainly to the white working class .
24 In part , this was because the southern States offer a better environment for certain types of defence base , but this is not a full explanation .
25 We have seen above how he conceptualised the joint stock company as a mere ‘ transitional ’ form , an unstable half-way house between capitalism and its abolition : this was because the joint stock form represented the socialisation of capital itself , which had to be a ‘ self-dissolving contradiction ’ .
26 This was because the winding up petition was due to come before the court again on 30 July .
27 This was because the circulation of capital slows down and the process of exploiting labour power is hindered .
28 This was because the Shah , always nervous of a military coup against him , had structured the armed forces in such a way that lateral collaboration between the services was very hard to arrange .
29 It was explained that this was because the company was perpetually producing new products with life-cycles of two to four years and that the product mixes over the narrow product range in current production were largely set by the available type of capacity over such periods .
30 The shop assistant asked her to sign a receipt , telling her that this was because the cleaners took no responsibility for damage to beads and sequins on the dress .
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