Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This finding concurs with the personal study of Payne-James .
2 I recognise that this finding stands in stark contrast to the finding that was implicit in my decision on Wednesday night/Thursday morning .
3 This finding corresponds with research that has concentrated on early retirement ( McGoldrick and Cooper 1980 ; Parker 1980 ; and in France , Cribier 1981 ; Gaullier 1982 ) and withdrawal from the labour market through the job release scheme ( Makeham and Morgan 1980 : 14 ) , but we do not know how many of those older workers with poor health would have been fit enough to continue working if the plant had not closed .
4 This finding argues for alternative programmes and measures for application among countries and within countries over time .
5 This advantage stems from the fact that the companies and organisations that make up the market tend to be clustered together , for instance on a geographical basis , or by product type .
6 The strength of this support differs between species and effects the role the male plays in the social dynamics of the harem and the types of relationship that maintain the structure .
7 For now , the point I wish to make is that in regard to the notional/functional syllabus , although there is a change in the way of describing the content units for language teaching , this change tends to be assimilated into traditional and well-established ways of thinking about the syllabus as a pedagogic construct .
8 He is not , he claims , denying the existence of social change in oral societies , nor of the ‘ survivals ’ which this change leaves in its wake .
9 This change puts at greater risk those working-class boys and girls who fail to acquire any such paper qualifications .
10 This change arises from the differences in size between the components which would normally mean mole fractions close to unity for the solvent especially when dilute solutions are being studied .
11 This heritage comes from a colonial model of top-down health care where the doctor , the matron and the administrator head three parallel hierarchies staffed by ranks of nurses and clerks .
12 This contrast brings with it different theories of social action and how to study it .
13 Naturally this judgement has to be tempered by the unrepresentative nature of the sample of reports that it draws upon .
14 This judgement applies to the I- dominant poems ( 88 , 89 ) as to the Thou- dominant ones , such as 35 , where after the first quatrain excusing the Friend 's faults ( ‘ No more be griev 'd at that which thou hast done ’ ) the second suddenly recoils on itself : This is indeed to bring a plea ‘ 'gainst myself ’ , to become an accomplice or ‘ accessory ’ , plunging oneself in ‘ civil war ’ .
15 Secret The solution to this trick lies in the fact that , while the children can point to which lines they like or say which colour cards they like the best , you decide which cards to take away .
16 Also , this deck comes with rocker .
17 This Update looks at aspects of the new beginning , from an individual view of the validation process to an account of how new national units are developed .
18 The best chance of our understanding this link comes from studies of the fruit-fly .
19 Hypocrisy of this kind derives from the agent 's conscience telling him of his evil , while his desire not to appear evil causes him to feign goodness .
20 Besides opening up and retaining choice of educational placement for pupils with severe visual handicaps , evidence of this kind calls for continuing research into the social aspects of integration for such pupils .
21 That an ethos of this kind exists at Long Lartin has , since the time of its first Governor , Bill Perrie , been widely recognized , and it is one of only two top security prisons to avoid serious control problems .
22 The most exhaustive exercise of this kind centres on measuring productivity growth by methods developed by economists in the 1950s and 1960s [ Denison , 1968 ; Matthews et al. , 1982 ] .
23 Consider , for example , the Laplace transform This function factorises into where .
24 ‘ The design of this guitar comes from a number of things , ’ Andy explains .
25 In many countries this elite acts as the chief negotiator with transnational companies and therefore its members become beneficiaries from negotiations with logging contractors , purchase of agricultural estates , permission to sell agricultural inputs , purchase of agricultural inputs , and other policy measures .
26 This story depends for its interest and a good deal of its plot on the existence of the District Line .
27 Well I have to say that much of the impact of this story depends upon your being able to see and think of Boy as beautiful , admirable and even adorable in the true senses of those difficult and dangerous but nonetheless precious and necessary words ; I suggest therefore that you amend my descriptions of Boy and his lover — but I anticipate myself , that was not to be for several weeks yet ; that ‘ Great Romance of Our Times ’ , as it became known amongst us , had not yet begun , its theme tune had not yet been composed on Gary 's piano , its scenario was not yet subject of our daily gossip and speculation , we were not yet auditioning for a place in the credits — The Friend , The Admirer , Blonde Man in Bar , Second Guest at Dinner Party .
28 Discussion of this story occurs in Chapter 5 .
29 It is because of the meticulously kept notes of Mr Bridges that much of this story comes to light at all .
30 The story of God in Christ is the heart of all evangelism , and this story has to be told , for the life of the present Church never fully reveals the love and holiness and power of God in Christ .
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