Example sentences of "this [noun sg] would [be] " in BNC.

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1 One explanation for this finding would be that H pylori infection is acquired by people throughout their lives .
2 If he has evidence that any official in the Welsh Office in any way said to anybody that this grant would be made , he had better provide it .
3 Foreign influence over major US airlines would mean ‘ this framework would be radically altered , ’ he said .
4 However , this advantage would be lost if the allophones that were the product of word-internal context-effects were also caused by context-effects across word boundaries : thus if in lee were realised as a voiceless [ l ] in a moderately fast production of … tip leewards … , lee would once more be embedded within plea even at an allophonic level of representation .
5 Usually , this payment would be made four times a year , but for larger sums the process should be quicker .
6 This would be asking rather more of the social security system than exists under the present arrangements , for this payment would be made , not on the grounds of ‘ need ’ as with existing Supplementary Benefits ( SB ) , nor on grounds of compensation , as with ICA , nor on the grounds of purchased ‘ rights ’ as in the case of insurance benefits , but on grounds of work carried out .
7 This liability would be payable even if the venture failed , and all the capital were lost .
8 A sentence of this kind would be an interesting test for advanced foreign students of the English language because it is not merely unepigrammatic but devoid of meaning .
9 More data of this kind would be valuable .
10 A new contributory scheme of this kind would be expensive because it must be generous enough to lift people off means-tested supplementary benefit ; and it would still leave them entangled in a cohabitation rule of some sort .
11 A lesson of this kind would be appropriate as the final stage in a unit of work on ways of asking permission .
12 An expert taking on the task of deciding a dispute of this kind would be well advised to establish terms excluding claims .
13 For all these improvements in the formal mechanisms whereby the House seeks to keep government in check , any full account of procedures relating to this function would be incomplete without reference , again , to the importance of the Houses as forums of informal debates , discussions and plain horse-trading .
14 The sound of this guitar would be ideal for acoustic bluesers and fingerstyle players of most descriptions .
15 Ted felt this field would be very useful and would enable him to extend his holding just sufficient to give him in his words , ‘ that bit extra ’ .
16 In the great majority of cases this teaching would be communicated orally , for Gospels were in short supply and many converts were illiterate .
17 But the ‘ ordinary ’ people in this case would be the members of the club itself , and we would probably be thinking of testing our hypotheses by interviewing a sample of the club members .
18 The captives in this case would be under the influence of tranquillizing drugs .
19 Micro-instruction sequencing in this case would be by the automatic incrementation of a microprogram counter ; jump instructions are then required as in conventional programming .
20 Your only defence would be that you did not publish the slander , which in this case would be very difficult , I feel .
21 The restriction in this case would be in law and would be an absolute one .
22 Update of the record in this case would be overnight .
23 Update of the record in this case would be immediate .
24 In agreement with their assertion that the principal phase of gas generation from humic sources commences at a maturity level equivalent to R + 1% , it can be seen that this level would be achieved at + 11700 ft ( 3500 m ) using the standard maturity-depth gradient ( Fig. 2 ) .
25 We had decided this part would be tough , and for once we were right .
26 The steeper the slope the more the toes must face downhill , and the steepest slopes climbed using this technique would be ascended backwards .
27 This singularity would be an end of time , at least for the star and anything on it .
28 The large number of members involved means that a full meeting of this board would be too cumbersome for the day-to-day administration of the IMF and so it meets only once a year , mainly to ratify any new proposals .
29 This Board would be chaired by the Home Office Minister handling prison matters .
30 This course would be suitable for those wishing to improve their English for both business and more general purposes .
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