Example sentences of "this [noun sg] we 've " in BNC.

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1 The Co-op butcher was , had got his own shop lower down You could get everything in that one street and now in this modern age , we 've got nothing , we 've got to get on a bus and get into Walsall and so this is where it , we get infuriated because you know , in this progress we 've lost out have n't we ?
2 In this case we 've got an unknown pattern .
3 By wrecking a motion at the time , rightly or wrongly placed and once again I see this afternoon we 've got a similar motion on the table .
4 without protest from a parent , without a protest from a hunter without a protest from er a anyone else , that is a shame , because I tell you what , if you go drag hunting , you can keep the jobs the people are still going to have to shoe the horses traders and people like that are still going to have to produce the carriages to take the horses with them and the only people job jobs are in jeopardy are not the kennel staff it 's the terrier men and to be quite honest , ladies and gentlemen , it 's the terrier men who have actually ruined your sport , cos of what they get up to in nineteen ninety three is a disgust and at the end of the day your P R has been absolutely wrong and I hope this afternoon that Conservatives and Liberals can join with us and I 've got to thank a certain Liberal because he 's he 's put his head on the block on several occasions on this when we stood on the platform as individuals , not as politicians , as individuals on this and I think that this afternoon we 've got a way forward , we can say to the hunt , come and talk you change , we 'll give you access .
5 ‘ Naturally , the premium will be on straight driving , and in this department we 've got to rate players like Matt Stanford , of England , and Scotland 's Dean Robertson .
6 Now , in the past , so far , this term we 've covered areas such as the bus role play , which I suspect you remember the shop role play of which I 'm sure you remember .
7 this , this , this bug we 've got it 's causing the pains ?
8 In this chapter we 've been looking at two novels which , though they both contain their own particular stylistic innovations , nevertheless stick to the recognised , traditional shape of the novel .
9 So , for instance at this point we 've reached a stage where we 've got very important solidarity action in our favour including the fact that there are four main education unions , for instance , that are boycotting all Maxwell products which is a tremendous thing for an educational publisher to have .
10 Well we 've got up this morning we 've , and I said to Trevor have the kids been up in the night ?
11 This month we 've got the second of Cliff Gallup 's exciting solos from Race With The Devil , recorded in 1956 , when he was a member of Eugene Vincent Craddock 's Blue Caps ( yes , that 's Gene Vincent ! )
12 This month we 've gone absolutely perm crazy !
13 This month we 've got coverage from Bury St. Edmunds as well as the Ballycotton 10 to whet your appetite .
14 We have a competition each month of various kinds , and this month we 've got to , as we 've got the Dairy Crest , erm representative coming , we are writing a limerick including the word milkman , or something . .
15 It was only the second time this season we 've been comprehensively beaten .
16 That 's the fifth time this week we 've been attacked . ’
17 Every day this week we 've been printing stickers of the Grands Prix that Mansell won .
18 Every day this week we 've been printing colour pictures of the team captains and their strip for you to paste on to your chart .
19 This week we 've sent Katie Wood to the far North to a place just outside Wick .
20 All this week we 've been reporting on the work in South America of Oxfam , which this year marks its fiftieth anniversary .
21 All this week we 've been on expedition with the British team as they tackle the Camel Trophy through Brazil and Guyana .
22 Hello there this week we 've come to the coast to go climbing with three local mountaineers … the sport is celebrating at the moment … it 's thirty years since the conquest of Everest and every weekend you 'll find climbers out on the cliffs and craggs of britain
23 Hello there … this week we 've come to France to the town of Chalon sur Soane for one of the most dramatic one of of the most dangerous of summer sports … that 's powerboating …
24 All this week we 've been looking at life inside Grendon Prison in Buckinghamshire .
25 I think in this week we 've shown that he should be .
26 Hardly a week goes by now without us having a new champion … central south sport has never had it so good … this week we 've the European champion of champions to toast … the name is Sue Wright … the game is squash … and this is the Friday Feature
27 This week we 've been looking at what VAT on fuel and books would mean .
28 In our special reports this week we 've heard complaints of under-investment in railways , over-reliance on road building , and of harm being done to the environment .
29 in the day of high technology , is n't it possible to devise some scheme where they can go round and spray camp which leaves an invisible but detective in a way of magnetic or something er marking on the pavements , in New Master this week we 've seen a eruption of white , yellow , green and blue erm spray paint on the pavements , all by different contractors or
30 On Central News this week we 've seen how firms from the region are surviving in the American market place .
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