Example sentences of "this [modal v] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yet , while this may be generally true , there were other elements in the original position , involving a more thorough opposition to commercial modes and alongside this position attitudes to manual labour , and to the practice of arts and crafts .
2 This may be particularly apposite in the context of the introduction of computerised systems .
3 Indeed , they conclude that ‘ it is television that gives millions of people their basic idea of reality ’ , and this may be particularly true for older people , who on average watch 33 hours of television a week , 11 hours more than the national average .
4 This may be particularly important for girls with male science teachers .
5 This may be particularly important when we come to assess the relationships between the normativist style in public law and the political theory of conservatism .
6 In units with long-stay residents or psychiatric units this may be particularly important and is a necessary part of the programme .
7 This may be particularly relevant where the seller is , to the buyer 's knowledge , in breach of condition before the goods are delivered .
8 This may be particularly important in service industries where there may be limited net asset backing .
9 This may be particularly appropriate where subsystems do not naturally relate , that is , there is little data travelling between them or where one or two areas , such as production/supply and invoicing , in the case of the electricity supply industry , dominate the business .
10 This may be particularly important when one considers the potentially complex and multiple haematological abnormalities in alcoholic liver disease , including blood loss , macrocytosis , haemolysis , and sideroblastic change .
11 This may be particularly beneficial for those making a major career move within an organisation .
12 This may be particularly important where there is a limitation on the suspension of rent provision , ie rent resumes after three years , and the landlord claims to have performed its covenants by using the insurance money received .
13 This may be particularly important to a bidder who wishes , or needs , to acquire 100 per cent of the target ( see para 9.1.2 below and Appendix 2 ) .
14 This may be either by a bequest or else as an agnate on intestate succession .
15 This may be either the landowner or his tenant , depending on the tenant 's occupancy agreement .
16 Rejection at selection time after this may be both a personal disappointment to them and frustrating for bureau staff who have spent time to no end .
17 This may be smugly satisfying to those of us who sit on the sidelines , but even ardent moralists must soon start to wonder whether the Boesky boom in show trials has overplayed itself .
18 This may be easier said than done but if you have a clear idea of the purpose of the meeting and have prepared a thorough list of everything you want to know then you must stick to your guns and carry on relentlessly until you have worked your way through it .
19 This may be also true of studies which have used a series of slides as the arousing stimuli rather than a single one .
20 This may be also a question which you will say the districts are in a better position to answer and maybe they should be forewarned that if you say that , they will be asked that question .
21 In which case , this may be just the book for all disillusioned fans of yesteryear .
22 The extensive discussion of the topic in Chapter 2 led to rejection of the account offered by Wagner for habituation , but this may be just as well as far as his theory of latent inhibition is concerned .
23 At the very least , the assailant may be made to pause for a moment before attacking , and this may be just enough to allow the prey to escape .
24 This may be just the speculation of disaffected dealers .
25 Some of those classified as short-term unemployed may be intermittently unemployed and this may be just as demoralising as a long spell off work .
26 And this may be just the recoil for a bigger jump , like 1923 was . ’
27 There is an obligation at law on the acquirer to seek to mitigate a warranty claim , although this may be expressly stated .
28 This may be partly because Palin is so patently and so very likeable , and , whatever his private doubts , always looks as though he believes every word .
29 This may be partly because neither the president nor the high command is confident that parts of the army might not rebel .
30 This may be partly due to its isolated geographical position , which has helped to give the country its intense feeling of national uniqueness , and its deep conservatism .
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