Example sentences of "by a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A wall-painting of c .1160 in the chapel of St Anselm [ q.v. ] at Canterbury Cathedral , which shows St Paul bitten by a viper on the island of Malta , has been attributed to Hugo , although it may be the work of a follower .
2 This was followed by a trio of voices relating the history of 1OAB 's community service ‘ from birth to enforced closure ’ , after which we played the doleful song ‘ There 's a Gold Mine in the Sky ’ .
3 Marine Mining , which is supported by a trio of American investors , will process material dredged from the sea off Cornwall 's northern coast .
4 Joseph was played by a Yugoslavian Sergeant , Mary by a slim Gambian Corporal and the three wise men by a trio of Tahitians with tribal tattoos and scarred faces .
5 The Palace Hotel was run by a trio of brothers : a burly one-eyed masseur , a half-witted fellow with a pointed head , and a hugely obese young man who joked from his chair in the lobby , from which he rarely stirred , that he was expecting twins .
6 THREE crooks head for Arkansas tailed by a trio of streetwise cops following a catalogue of drug-related murders in Los Angeles ( 18 ) Curzon , Yorkgate .
7 If the judges refused to enforce the offensive legislation and an election was held with the same result followed by a reintroduction of the legislation , what would judges then do ?
8 Most experts attributed this to the so-called " greenhouse effect " , caused by a buildup in the earth 's atmosphere of gases which act to prevent solar heat reflected from the planet from escaping into space [ see pp. 36783-84 ] .
9 Police are still trying to trace a potential witness seen by a jogger on the canal towpath behind Mr Miles home .
10 Since the bombing raids began over Iraq , Britons have flocked to join the army ( inquiries in London have quintupled ) ; to give blood ( in Plymouth alone , more than 1,600 people volunteered in the first few days , and 110,000 followed suit across the country ) ; and to say their prayers ( Winchester Cathedral reported that the congregation for Matins last Sunday was up by a half on the usual number ) .
11 A SENTENCE for indecent assault passed on a 47-year-old former prison officer has been cut by a half on appeal at Craigavon Crown Court .
12 This , together with a rise in TV advertising , helped boost Anglia 's profits by a half to £4.8 million in the six months ended June .
13 Sales rose by a half of one percent last month , that was double August 's increase and more than experts had predicted .
14 The Bundesbank reduced its discount rate by a half of one percent to five point seven five percent .
15 Asked to name a market which could show real growth of 4% a year during the 1990s and expand by a half over the decade , few would suggest mechanical engineering .
16 Although the overall number of night visits increased sharply in the first year after the introduction of the contract ( for example , in Berkshire it rose by a half over the previous year p 762 ) , the absolute number of night visits made by the deputising service may have altered much less , without much cost saving .
17 They 've just announced extra shifts at Cowley and plan to up production by a half in '93 .
18 Between the River Thames and the M4 viaduct to the west of Kew Bridge are the Kew Bridge Waterworks , where the best collection of in situ pumping engines in the world is now preserved by a trust as the Kew Bridge Living Steam Museum .
19 Labour 's promissory notes can not be met by a scale of personal taxation which will become increasingly regressive .
20 Mass was celebrated on Saturday morning in the Great Hall by Bishop Walmsley followed by a welcome from Middlesbrough Diocesan President , Mrs Maureen Nelson .
21 What perhaps is most impressive in each of the cases we have discussed is this , that the dispossession by a new-comer of a race already in occupation of the soil has marked an upward step in the intellectual progress of mankind .
22 It may have been during this period that he was supported by a canonry in St Peter 's , to which he later referred as pope .
23 They have looked at the commission of offences reported over time by a sample of youths in longitudinal surveys .
24 Some of her findings are set out in Table 1.2 below ; this compares the ranks of men and women employed in certain occupations with the ranks assigned by a sample of respondents to the wives of men in these occupations .
25 Exploratory study of child sexual abuse reported by a sample of 16-21 year olds
26 There will probably be a lull over the winter , followed by a resurgence of activity next spring .
27 As in so many countries in Europe , the collapse of the communists has been accompanied by a resurgence of support for the extreme right .
28 They are worried by a resurgence of union bullying .
29 Perfectly aware of the veiled disapproval , his kindlier feelings abated , to be replaced by a resurgence of ill humour .
30 Within two months of taking office , Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa was seriously damaged politically by a resurgence of speculation concerning his role in the Recruit-Cosmos share scandal .
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