Example sentences of "by [noun pl] or [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most are washed away by rainstorms or floods , but thousands have survived and become preserved in ossified rock , to reappear when the ground has been split open by paleontologists or the weather .
2 According to tradition , many sites , both natural and artificial , were formed by giants or the devil .
3 Any talk of rights other than those enshrined in the ( positive ) law is dangerous because it can be used by fanatics or the self-serving to subvert that law .
4 The large trucks that are used by professional carriers where the horse is sealed up in almost complete darkness and isolation , frighten horses more than two-horse floats pulled by cars or the more open trucks frequently used by professional riders .
5 A social group may be deprived by missionaries or a new education system or access to their own historically inherited forms , and a mere glimpse of the possibilities of industrial culture , without the means for appropriating that culture , is hardly an adequate substitute for such a loss .
6 This cause has been championed not because of the prestige which the word ‘ science ’ carries with it , but because it is only through the better employment of scientific method that sociology can hope to develop as a true academic discipline , free from the biases introduced by ideologists or the wish to sway current social policy .
7 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will make a statement on the discussions which the Lord Advocate has had with representatives of the German Government and the Bundeskriminalamt about the alleged use by Libyans or the Libyan People 's Bureau of premises in East Berlin in relation to his inquiry into the Lockerbie bombing .
8 Material carried to the sea by rivers , or transported by glaciers or the wind , experiences some degree of chemical decomposition or physical breakdown prior to being eroded .
9 In 1974 , there were 80 proposed or completed self-help schemes in 27 countries throughout the world , that were taken up by governments or the world Bank ( Gilbert and Gugler 1982 ) .
10 It is the duty of a constitutional monarch or President when faced with violent tyrannical action by individuals or a minority party to take the necessary steps to secure the wellbeing of the toiling masses and the continuity of an ordered state .
11 Effluent discharges are often made inconspicuous by buildings or the frequent disappearance of the watercourse into culverts .
12 But when the time comes to close , this delicate balance between gleaming efficient machinery and the secret world of nature can relent the man made , now nature takes over , unfettered by schedules or the relentless hurry into the night shift , it creeps into the bare workings of the place and then it 's not the rest of the world within a world .
13 We can learn an enormous amount from studying the constraints imposed upon classes , whether by structures or the class struggle , but they can not resolve all the questions we wish to ask .
14 Public scrutiny , whether it be by legislatures or the mass media , is hampered .
15 Being let down by friends or a lack of public transport not only encouraged drink-driving , it also led young people to accept lifts from friends who had been drinking .
16 But Part VII of the Act starts with a prescription of a company 's obligation to maintain current accounting records ; and logically enough , because , although these are not open to inspection by members or the public , unless they are kept it will be impossible for the company to produce verifiable annual accounts .
17 It is soon replaced though , by tears or a brave smile after yet another setback , with family and friends offering support and comforting words of ‘ Bad luck .
18 Junctions controlled by police or a traffic warden , when all traffic is held up by police officer or traffic warden you must not go left or right until you are signalled to do so .
19 This could be useful in checking the range of fiction books borrowed by pupils or a subject teacher may wish to examine the types of material borrowed for a particular project by a class .
20 Fit a handrail or build parapet wall beside long flights , especially if they will be used by children or the elderly .
21 This will raise issues of interpretation of the disputes clause and an investigation of the type of dispute , which , unless some other provision is made in the contract , can be resolved only by the court if it has jurisdiction , or by arbitrators or a supervisory arbitral body , or possibly not at all .
22 From the last it can be determined whether the terraces fall into significant altitudinal groups or not , and thus whether they represent intermittent falls of base level punctuated by stillstands or a more or less steady fall of base level with terraces at all levels .
23 The curriculum had been debated , if at all , by Local Education Authorities , teachers , and the largely teacher-dominated Schools Council , as well as by the Examination Boards , over which the universities exercised the greatest influence , but never by ministers or the general public .
24 ( vi ) a statement as to whether the body is a company limited by shares or an unlimited company ;
25 ( c ) whether the body is a company limited by shares or an unlimited company .
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