Example sentences of "by [art] [n mass] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 There was no effective management of the woods for profitable timber production , and regeneration was prevented because the young shoots were eaten by the deer and by commoners ' cattle , which roamed the forests at will .
2 At a meeting in London organised by the Flora and Fauna Preservation Society ( FFPS ) , RHS council member Alasdair Morrison said the society did not have a conservation policy because its interests were " too diverse " .
3 Thus , we would suggest that these second types of explanation for the differences in the rate of crime between men and women — that female crime exists to a much greater extent than is indicated by the statistics but is just less often recorded — can not explain the enormous sex differences in recorded rates of crime .
4 Continual research into market trends provided by the statistics and information contained in sales analysis , guest record cards , guest history cards and trade magazines .
5 The protocol of chain-pulling in multiple-occupancy urinals has not been thought through by the Works and Buildings Department .
6 By the time that significant numbers of NMDA channels are in an open state the neuron has been hyperpolarized by the i.p.s.p. and this greatly enhances the block of NMDA channels by Mg 2+ ( ref. 22 ) .
7 The lists also show that the Elizabethan era was a period of considerable economic change as the woolstaplers were replaced by the butchers and the tanners ; cattle rather than sheep became the basis of local wealth , especially after 1541 when the disappearance of the Wyggestons removed a family which had dominated the town 's economy for two or three generations .
8 The current flowing through the l.e.d. is regulated by the i.c. and can be set by means of a single resistor , R8 .
9 These were quickly removed by the townspeople and the door from the tower to the church was closed and made into a street door with a house number ( 556 ) and the emblem of the town .
10 Rimmel 's Island Paradise range of hot colours has been influenced by the tropics and madi-gras .
11 She was puzzled by her inability to repeat its results and even more puzzled by the data that purported to support them .
12 It may , therefore , be more productive to work within the limitations imposed by the data than to continue to explore art-styles as a root to chronological precision when this does not seem possible because of the unknown number of unknown variables .
13 The information includes a list of indexing terms showing all the topics covered by the data and a catalogue record giving the Archive number , the title , access conditions , data processing codes , the names of principal investigators , data collectors , sponsors and depositors , an abstract detailing the main purposes of the research , and main variables .
14 Political objectives and priorities are ostensibly defined elsewhere , not by the corps or the DGA .
15 It can be argued that if Swans can establish they had not ordered the goods then no sale should have been recorded in which case revenue has to be reduced by the £80 and the creditor also has to be reduced by £80 .
16 Of the two broad social groups between which the tsar had to mediate , he clearly set greater store by the gentry than the peasantry .
17 Malcolmson has commented that a result of this withdrawal of patronage by the gentry and the better-off farmers as social distance increased was that " a solid barrier so developed between the culture of gentility and the culture of the people " .
18 Some , mainly those of war time subjects and taken in the 30 's and 40's were given to the National Portrait Gallery , but the best were retained by the V. and A.
19 Was the V. & A. 's Chairman trying to tell us something about the government 's degree of responsibility for the staff restructuring plans announced by the V. & A. 's Director and rashly endorsed by himself in 1989 ?
20 ‘ If the pound note and the lira were thrown out of the window tomorrow and replaced by the ECU that would be fantastic . ’
21 This is driven by economics and the yen , closely followed by the ecu or European Currency Unit , has displaced the dollar as the world 's most important currency .
22 The Press Complaints Commission is to rule on a complaint from the parents of eight-year-old Jennifer Bennett about their treatment by the media after their daughter was at the centre of the row over Labour 's pre-election health broadcast .
23 Concern has been growing for some time now , voiced not only by the media but also by some high-powered academics , ex-civil servants and former senior government statisticians , that official information which should be wholly objective is being distorted , suppressed or otherwise interfered with to serve the political ends of the government .
24 In all cases , however , state power in communication and elsewhere must be monitored and held in check , not only by the media but also by social movements .
25 Jane Bywaters , who has been responsible for much of the exhibition , said : ‘ We need to give people information so that they can make up their own minds about food and not be dictated to by the media and media events . ’
26 Not only that , it was brought up time and again by the media and used to undermine the serious work that he was trying so hard to do .
27 She identifies advertising as one of the main forms of these , and feels that the pressure is intensified by the attitudes of friends and family who have been influenced by the media and make it extremely difficult for girls to remain impervious to the images of beauty which surround them : on TV , in films , magazines and newspapers .
28 Mr Major and his colleagues lament the lack of interest displayed by the media and the public in their big speeches on great issues .
29 Its most serious claim is that if a Labour party , elected on a socialist manifesto , attempted to carry out reforms which would seriously shift the balance of power in favour of working-class people , then the ruling class , aided and abetted by the media and US interests .
30 They try to compensate with meaningful ‘ images ’ of monkeys , presidents , kitsch ads and microwaves , presumably to show us that we 're all brainwashed sheep controlled by the media and the fascist state .
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