Example sentences of "by [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And can you see by about now the muscles are beginning to feel .
2 Yeah , that 's , once the conifers are all growing up , we 're going to have a garden shed a greenhouse and I 'm gon na build a summer house up the garden , that 's by , by round where the pond is
3 Even if lead levels in the atmosphere do not bother you , I am sure you will find the fact that unleaded petrol is 15p cheaper , and that diesel fuel boosts mpg by at least a third , most interesting .
4 By improving family planning services , we will reduce unwanted pregnancies and help achieve our target of cutting the number of abortions by at least a quarter .
5 Close to the mill stands what became the mill house , although this pre-dates the actual mill by at least a century and a half .
6 These provide weedkillers , insecticides and fungicides to control weeds , pests and diseases which otherwise would damage crops and reduce their size by at least a third .
7 The drought has already set one project , a national food reserve , back by at least a year .
8 It was a community which was lagging behind the lowlands by at least a century .
9 His position was already improved by at least a 100 per cent .
10 His face was unlined , belying his fifty years by at least a decade .
11 But if he is to assure Mitterrand too convincingly of his commitment to Maastricht or the Exchange Rate Mechanism , he will be condemned by a howling mob of backbenchers who will be backed , privately , by at least a quarter of his government .
12 In other words , to obtain an initial fair comparison we would have to multiply the industrial related deaths by at least a factor of two and compare that figure with the number of recorded homicide cases .
13 Jim Bob very nearly loses the plot during the encores , extending every song by at least a minute with a series of unaccompanied vocal chants ( including the now familiar climax to their version of ‘ Another Brick In The Wall ’ : ‘ There is a song that 'll get on your nerves , get on your nerves , GET ON YOUR NERVES ! ’ ) .
14 ‘ They 're going to miss us by at least a quarter mile .
15 The Select Committee suggested that these costs might actually be too high and it is true that if our ‘ Safestore ’ strategy is adopted we will be able to reduce the liability by at least a further £500 million .
16 The sale and the initial payments thus preceded the actual negotiations with the painting 's owner , Richard L. Feigen & Co. , by at least a month .
17 If all long term care was to be given within the NHS the number of beds would have to be expanded by at least a third and probably nearly doubled if , as is often the case , those in residential homes require nursing care .
18 The contains no explicit stipulation that the muderris should also act as mufti of Manisa — or , alternatively , that the mufti of Manisa should act as muderris — but it would appear that by at least a few years before 944/1537–8 , if not earlier , such had become the practice . "
19 We were awakened the next morning by Sir Henry Bowyer 's rough arrival accompanied by at least a dozen likely-looking rogues .
20 Each one had missed by at least a yard .
21 She gave a brief glance at the screen , dropped her jaw by at least a metre , and walked backwards , first into the back wall , and then slowly and hypnotically down our aisle , past our row — in spite of our waving and hissing cries of ‘ Mummm ! ’ — then backwards again , eyes never leaving the screen , and past us in the other direction .
22 It was announced on July 23 that Webster had agreed to delay his departure from office — scheduled for July 31 — by at least a month because of the delay over Gates 's confirmation .
23 Yes , you can reduce the annual cost of your hot water by at least a third , if you switch to Economy 7 .
24 The lowest tier of planks cleared his head by at least a foot .
25 This means that the Pactus Legis Salicae antedates the Liber Constitutionum of the Burgundians by at least a decade .
26 What it means as I said before , is that ten or fifteen years ago , that number of people got infected , so now ten fifteen years on , we usually multiply by at least a hundred , so we 're really talking about thousands of people living with H I V , and probably unaware of the fact that they have it .
27 By at least the eighteenth century , the Albanians were in a majority .
28 This fashion of dimidiation was abandoned by at least the late fourteenth century and replaced by the style of compressing each set of armorial bearings onto one half of the shield — the husband 's being placed on the dexter and the wife 's on the sinister .
29 Only give these drinks with meals and dilute the juice by AT LEAST the same amount of water .
30 This section 7(3) required the LTE so to perform their functions as to ensure so far as practicable that at the end of each accounting period the aggregate of the net balance of the consolidated revenue account of the LTE and of their general reserve was such as might be approved by the GLC ; and that if , at the end of any accounting period , the aggregate showed a deficit , the amount properly available to meet changes to revenue account in the next following accounting period should exceed those charges by at least the amount of that deficit .
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