Example sentences of "by [noun] and the " in BNC.

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1 Attitudes to the recent past are largely shaped by experience and the nature and extent of these experiences vary .
2 The buyers paid by cheque and the sellers gave the buyers a delivery order which the buyers endorsed and transferred to a sub-purchaser .
3 The legal opinion obtained by CPRE and the Council for National Parks from Professor Francis Jacobs , one of the leading authorities on EEC law , makes it clear that both MAFF and DoE have been taking an unduly restrictive view in adopting their stance .
4 He has taken a reconstruction of a Bronze Age galley along the coasts of the Aegean and the Black Sea in search of the routes used by Ulysses and by Jason and the Argonauts .
5 The bank column is increased by £1,000 and the owners ' equity column by the same amount .
6 Many different explanations have been put forward , but the similarity of many of the cup-and-ring carvings to such diverse phenomena as lines found by dowsers and the symbols used to describe sacred places in Australia and elsewhere , suggests strongly that they represent aspects of the non-physical reality which ancient people could see .
7 In the 1980s , the economy was affected by recession and the government was forced to negotiate the rescheduling of its external debts .
8 Slovakia , with a more rural economy which was nevertheless also heavily dependent on its armaments and mining industries , had been particularly badly affected by recession and the collapse of the Soviet market .
9 For at the play 's inception Edward is berated by Mortimer and the other earls for his base acts with Gaveston ; and in defiance of well-defined laws of divine right and birthright Mortimer attempts to depose a crowned king .
10 ‘ This basis may not be appropriate because the group incurred a loss after taxation and extraordinary items of £1,616,249 during the year ended 31 March 1992 and at that date its current liabilities exceeded its current assets by £6,870,214 and the net deficit was £679,853 . ’
11 It was not a motor-driven electronically tuned performance ( like a recent one by Salonen and the Philharmonia ) but one which attempted to penetrate the mysteries of the slower sections , above all those at the beginning of the second part , and one which was thoughtful enough to seem to come to its violent conclusion in spite of itself .
12 After all , our world would be a very different place without the benefits brought by ICI and the chemical industry .
13 A 6m zone stops 90% of walked in dirt , reducing maintenance costs of the floor covering beyond the Coral by 50% and the Coral Clean-off-Zone pays for itself in 6 months .
14 At least method 1 is independent of the units of measurement ( providing they are the same in both years ) but the equal weight that attaches to all commodities can give a misleading figure — if the price of matches falls by 50% and the price of coal rises by 50% the combined index indicates no change .
15 Old photographs of the Potteries show a jungle of bottle ovens seen only dimly through the permanent pall of smoke that was rivalled in its denseness at one time only by Sheffield and the Black Country .
16 In those days the fields were still small and surrounded by hedges and the lanes ran deep between lush banks .
17 Since the rates of return on bonds and equities represent the opportunity cost of holding money , we can expect an inverse relationship between the rates of return expected by wealth-holders and the demand for money .
18 When ships were slow and there were no dockyards on the other side of the world , the fouling of ships ' bottoms by weed and the attack on timber by boring animals was a serious matter .
19 First came the banishment of pedestrians to pavements and the widening of surfaces by demolition and the infilling of watercourses .
20 WHAT could have been a disastrous start for fifth-year pupils at Bohunt School to the social event of the school year was averted by quick-thinking and the help of a parent .
21 Of particular interest in this regard are the various UNCITRAL Legal Guides and two projects on principles of contract law undertaken by Unidroit and the Commission on European Contract Law respectively .
22 This example is pretty hard to learn by heart and the fingering is n't easy either , so be patient , and take it slowly .
23 Other costs include the payment of sickness or invalidity benefits to those suffering from diseases caused by smoking and the payment of widow 's pension and other family social security benefits to the dependant 's of those who die as a result of their smoking .
24 Since then , we have had Live Aid , and other remarkable efforts of charity , by performers and the public .
25 Picking his way over the diarrhoea , which had splattered all over the ground and avoiding the frantically flailing hooves of the shocked , utterly terrified , pony , Raimundo grasped her headcollar and , aided by Umberto and the other grooms , yanked her to her feet .
26 In the above example , the political differences between the General Fund of a local authority and the Housing Accounts relate to the fact that the former is financed by taxes and the latter is financed by housing rents .
27 Authentic printed labels were correctly reproduced by photography and the bottles filled with the corresponding vintages .
28 reward effective delegation by superiors and the efficient assumption of authority by subordinates .
29 He had opposed the radical change of direction effected by Occhetto and the proposed change of the name of the party .
30 And then we saw that brilliant save by Stowell and the crossbar denying United a famous victory .
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