Example sentences of "by [noun] [noun pl] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Specific antibody production could help to distinguish between intracranial mass lesions caused by T gondii reactivation and those caused by other processes such as lymphoma or progressive multifocal encephalitis , thus limiting the need for brain biopsy .
2 On June 3 is the annual teams of six open competition organised by Northumberland Police Angling Section , entrance fee £27 per team .
3 The EuroEDI project was co-ordinated by the Level-7 consultancy , and included the installation of a central EDI relay server developed by Infonet Services Corp on the EDI system provided by the Belgium Rapid Access Information Network Services , BRAINS , organisation , the Brussels-based Alcatel Bell-Belgacom joint venture .
4 One of the biggest UK moves in east Germany to date , the acquisition by building materials group RMC of the Rüdersdorf cement works on Berlin 's eastern fringe , was organised through the company 's subsidiary in Ratingen Nordrhein-Westfalen .
5 ‘ Sub-woofer ’ is one of the current buzz-terms in the audio world , extensively used by hi-fi salesmen intent on baffling the poor punter with tech-speak .
6 TODAY 's call for an inquiry was yesterday backed by Toy Retailers chairman Philip Goodall .
7 Crawford played Battersea Bats leader Peter Toms , complete with short trousers , who throws out one of his members , ‘ Foureyes ’ Fulton , blaming him when their plans for an exceptional car are stolen by Victoria Victors leader Lew Lender .
8 But even by Whitehall standards Tite is moving fast .
9 Finally on a lighter note , ‘ Amiga Five-O ’ by computer games reviewer Ashley Cotter Cairns is a personal look at the top-50 Amiga games of all time .
10 The air force , for example , keeps track of its stock on a $200m system built under contract by Computer Sciences Corporation in El Segundo , California , using IBM mainframe computers and off-the-shelf database software from Computer Associates in New York .
11 Left out of the England side , Deano was also knocked back by Leicestershire police force who vetoed his £5,000 share of the Run With The Ball campaign .
12 No such brutal suppression of a peaceful demonstration had been seen in the Soviet Union since at least the early 1960s , strengthening rumours that the action , directed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs rather than by Georgian officials , might have been covertly encouraged by Kremlin conservatives intent on discrediting Gorbachev and the policy of perestroika .
13 His Yamaha RD 350cc motorcycle was in collision with a Volvo heavy goods vehicle , owned by Tuffnels Parcels Express of Shepcourt , Sheffield .
14 His Yamaha RD 350cc motorcycle was in collision with a Volvo goods vehicle , owned by Tuffnels Parcels Express of Shepcourt , Sheffield .
15 Free legal and survey fees come top of the list , according to findings by Research Associates Stone .
16 Selling Houses in a Difficult Market , by Research Associates Stone ( tel : 0785 813164 )
17 It is without any pleasure that I seek once more to call the attention of the House to the problems faced by Derbyshire police force .
18 He was managing director of Yale & Valor Plc until 1991 when it was acquired by Williams Holdings Plc .
19 Rare paintings by Edo artists Hokusai , Utamaro and Sharaku in two instalments
20 Published by IDG Books Tel. 021 706 6000 ISBN 1-878058-25-8 Price £15.45 and do n't forget MS-DOS User 's Guide & Reference Free with DOS 5
21 Published by IDG Books Tel 021 706 6000 Price £18.45 ISBN 1-878058-37-1
22 Dust filters and biological air filters appear to be capable of achieving considerable success in removing odours but can be fairly expensive , and new developments are taking place all the time , for example compost soil filters have been developed mainly in Germany and are being investigated by Warren Springs Laboratory .
23 The £2.1 million community facilities are to be provided by site developers Countryside Properties .
24 The move was welcomed by Airbus unions convenor at Broughton Mike Nesbitt .
25 The move was welcomed by Airbus unions convenor at Broughton Mike Nesbitt .
26 But the British ace was easily beaten for the number one spot by Chicago Bulls basketball star Michael Jordan , who will earn £24 million , according to America 's Forbes ' magazine .
27 This approach can be seen in a number of LEA projects supported by SCDC Arts Project ( SCDC , 1986b , 1986c and 1987 ) .
28 The 15-seat Cellobus was handed over by Courtaulds Films Cellophane to the East Bridgwater Community School , near the company 's factory at Bridgwater , UK .
29 A 1987 document prepared by Cramlington Libraries Service identified ‘ almost 5,550 jobs ’ .
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