Example sentences of "at it in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the horse stretches out its neck at the horse it is trying to warn off and tosses its head up and down at it in a threatening manner .
2 These are usually concealed and then flashed at the last moment , giving the prospective predator the impression that it is approaching a much larger animal and one that is staring straight at it in a defiant manner .
3 Yes , if you look at it in a certain light , as those philosophers are apt to who go on to say that there must ( 286 ) have been more than the sentence in my mind for it to be the case that I meant such and such .
4 You 'll find the little diagram showing you where the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery are on page eleven , page eleven if you want to refer to it right , if you want to look at it in a closer detail tonight that 's fine and if you want to see what I 'm saying now in a diagrammatic form look on page thirteen now if you look at that you 'll see some , the blue vein blood vessels it 's coming out of the right hand side of the heart and if you look at the direction of the arrows , okay , they 're going away from the heart , do you agree with me ?
5 we 've been talking about individuals and what they want , and we live in a context in which if people want a thing and the , and we feel that they should have the choice particularly if they have the money that if to , if you look at it in a wider context there are seven million children living on the streets in Brazil !
6 He thinks we 'll look at it in a different light .
7 Once the target is located , the kicking leg is thrust at it in a straight line .
8 It 's just looking at it in a slightly different way and trying , I 've done some things there to show you a , a sort of a system to use , use your own if you like but I want to see what comes in , what goes out , every time energy changes from one form into another form .
9 So , we 'll have a look at it in a minute .
10 We worked at it in a positive and determined manner .
11 I appreciate that one must approach the matter with considerable caution , and that we can not go at it in a bull-at-a-gate fashion .
12 While war could create serious difficulties for the merchant class , other social groups looked at it in a different light .
13 If you look at it in a certain way , right , it shows your ignorance , I mean you 're over in England , right , for so long — I mean to say you should know what to chat in front of certain people , right ?
14 You see , because they just look at it in a completely different way .
15 That 's only because you 're looking at it in a very short- term perspective , they , the way they saw the communist revolution was by a very long drawn out process and so it was n't that the revolution had just created this was , this was an important step in order to lead to their ultimate goal .
16 These phenomena can not be used as a warning of incipient fracture because , to observe the effects , it is necessary to cut thin sections of the stressed part and to look at it in an optical microscope .
17 The cheap TV rocked on its legs as the man grabbed at it in an over-eager embrace , and Joe turned to the woman on the bed .
18 She smoothes the dress out against her front and looks at it in the mirror .
19 Thacker had set him a spot of overtime and he was hard at it in the mill .
20 While ideally this should be the chairman there may be someone even better at it in the group .
21 Sixty-eight per cent of the population have read or looked at it in the past year .
22 Meredith , looking up at it in the sunshine , felt five years old again .
23 Of course I have looked at it in the past , many , many times .
24 Maybe , but I can also , if I like , talk to my car , but yelling at it in the approved Basil Fawlty manner is hardly treating it as rational .
25 ‘ I saw him look at it in the car when we were driving to the Lubianka .
26 But it feels strange : when you look at it in the bowl , it looks too runny to be fun , but when you touch it , it 's the squelchiest , stickiest sensation ; it turns to spaghetti when you let it drip through your fingers and it 's stodgy enough to make into patterns , swirling in different colours and practising making faces , people , letters and numbers .
27 They were at it in the house , then in Felstead 's car on the way to the Club , all the time he was away from the bar .
28 Dann turned the gun in his hands , still staring at it in the passing flares of street lighting .
29 If you look at it in the light , you can see that it was made in Bohemia .
30 As he mentioned the bird , he turned his back on Lesley-Jane to look at it in the glass case .
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