Example sentences of "at [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 … no inconsiderable sacrifice to put in the time and effort that this sort of work requires , particularly when , as I fear has been the case so far , it has to be pursued at rather a breakneck speed .
2 In the War , distribution expenditure had been running at only a fifth of the prewar level , and the plans prepared by the undertakings for the Electricity Commissioners show they expected to continue to spend more than half of all their capital on developing distribution , as they had in the 1930s .
3 At source , a basalt lava may be moving at twenty or more kilometres an hour ; at the far end it may be oozing forward like treacle at only a few metres per hour ; so the temperature of a magma will obviously affect the style of an eruption considerably .
4 In its full-page and horrendously expensive advertisements in the national press , and now ( the latest manifestation ) in a booklet with a cover that at only a few metres distance looks like gold-tooled morocco , it comes perilously close to transgressing those rules of the Advertising Standards Authority that ensure that all ads are honest , fair , accurate , unimpeachable and altogether above reproach .
5 Liza had written some weeks ago to say that John had been sent , at only a few hours ' notice , on a course .
6 Jack the tiny Shetland pony weighs in at only a few stones and is just over two-feet tall .
7 These types of problem extend even to the more commonplace types of metalwork in which the lack of replication might lead to the suggestion that everyday items were produced locally as required ; but were such technical skills possessed by someone on every farm or hamlet , at only a few locations , or was the craftsman a mobile specialist ?
8 Weighing in at only a few ounces , you hardly notice that you 're wearing this jacket .
9 The job depended upon careful organisation as it had to be come at only a few days ' notice .
10 Money at call is money which can be withdrawn at only a few hours ' notice .
11 The shares are currently at only a third of the 120p high they once reached .
12 It is true that our goods sell abroad , but with our currency at only a third of its post-war value , so they should !
13 Without submarine work , Rosyth would run at only a third of capacity for its MoD work . ’
14 Clerical and administrative backup were provided at only a modest level .
15 In miles per second that 's not so easy , but humans have travelled at perhaps a few tens of miles per second in a spacecraft .
16 So I mean think about it as long term planning , and certainly for those under er sixty the long term becomes extremely long term because er you know you 're looking at perhaps a third of your life er which is er still to be accounted for .
17 I 'm in the Flying Fox and I 've just spent some time hovering at just a thousand feet over Bicester and the town centre looking good there .
18 At just a few days old , she and Carly , who were born in Rush Green Hospital , Romford , Essex , joined at the chest and upper abdomen , sharing a liver heart cavity , were separated in seven hours of surgery .
19 This is due to the fact that we are no longer told to add crushed rusks to our babies ' bottles at just a few weeks old .
20 That is a far off mystic goal , perhaps , but let us at least attempt to stretch our minds , looking briefly at just a few of these cycles , and of the indispensable parts they have to play in the maintenance of planetary life .
21 Let's have a look at just a few .
22 Inside sources claim that Cobain is devastated by the revelations , and the possibility that Nirvana may cancel their appearance at Reading Festival is very real , given that the band were prepared to scrap their jubilant homecoming show at just a few days ' notice .
23 A quick look at just a few areas of today 's public relations work confirms that prediction :
24 Wesley and I have been looking round at just a few of the many attractions this year …
25 Properly targeted , together with training incentives , the Chancellor could do quite a lot at not a huge cost .
26 Or are we looking at possibly a larger figure now for Greater York ?
27 It was Vico , in his New Science ( 1725–44 ) , who gave at once a new confidence and a particular direction to social thought , in his argument that ‘ the world of civil society has certainly been made by men ’ and that this ‘ since men had made it they could hope to know ’ .
28 Erm of course two thousand and six is a consideration that we ought to look at once a new settlement location 's identified .
29 1 ( a ) Possession is at once a good , old-fashioned Victorian yarn and a post-modernist parody of the same .
30 But to a remarkable extent Kilvert succeeded in turning its limitations — its narrow range of vision and the naïvety of his own judgements — into advantages , to give it a vividness and a simplicity shared by few similar journals ; and it seems likely that it will retain its place as at once a major document of Victorian rural life and a minor but moving work of literature .
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