Example sentences of "do [vb infin] into a " in BNC.

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1 They can kill as many as eight or nine men if they do fall into a trench …
2 There were times during the long hours of dark when he did drop into an uneasy doze , but never for more than a few minutes together .
3 It finished , he tapped his foot , one two three four , and then he did launch into a jig , springy and violent .
4 And when , on occasion , his name did creep into a scandal-sheet or a confessional biography , he was invariably painted as the patron saint of lost souls .
5 The passing years took their toll , of course , and he did go into a decline when Grandmother died .
6 As an admission that , yes , they did go into a bit of a decline , the band has even included re-recorded versions of a couple of songs from their last album , No Place Like Home , a record whose only purpose appears to have been ‘ to keep things ticking over ’ .
7 What I would say this is a very very rare event in effect erm for this to happen erm and normally when the claims handlers do come into a situation like that it 's handled perfectly properly .
8 I did get into a car the other day to drive to London to the Imperial War Museum to see an exhibition of work by Tony Carter and was excited by it , but my appreciation may have something to do with the fact that he was a student of mine so I have been familiar with his ideas over many years .
9 If a disabled person does get into a phone box he or she still can not reach the telephone .
10 Tt yeah yeah erm yeah I mean it 's interesting when you come to attitudes to parenthood erm I think that 's quite an important issue because it does tap into a whole range of things about erm you know kind of er suspicions that somehow if gay or lesbian people raise children then the children 'll either be , you know , sort of corrupted or converted themselves
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