Example sentences of "do [pers pn] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Cos now , they do n't do that nowadays though do they cos the go in and
2 We 've done it since the oldest was five , so why stop it now , a mere 20 odd years later ?
3 I do n't know how they 've done it but the typography on the signs makes me want to pronounce the word Edin-burg , and I live in the place , for God 's sake .
4 He was treating it as a training exercise and said he would not have done it if the C1 had been before the C2 as he would not have compromised the C2 .
5 Not only could I not do it but the effort was so excruciating that I opened my mouth to scream and could n't breathe enough for that either .
6 If it was hard physical work , the men would do it while the women prepared a meal for everyone .
7 So we 'll do it while the numbers are there to get you familiar with it .
8 Among the more imaginative excuses were ‘ I could n't do it because the dog was pining , ’ ‘ the file fell in the bin and the cleaners came ’ and ‘ my wife wanted to make love ’ , finanacial recruitment consultants Accountemps found .
9 Because the job is only part-time Sally can do it whilst the children are at school .
10 Then er , you do n't do it whilst the boss is in the room , obviously .
11 But there is a way , you can manage you can do it and the important thing is that it 's your body that 's doing it , that your body that 's keeping the exercise going , so that when the actual pain disappears , when you 've got rid of the acid , your joints still work and your muscles are still good .
12 and he could n't do it and the worse thing was everybody in the pool had gone go on
13 He would do it when the next squall hit .
14 ‘ We can do it if the leadership of this nation will just stand up and do the right thing . ’
15 This is nearly as demanding as the main route so I 'd only do it if the tops are covered in mist or you are absolutely worn out .
16 For that reason we have not considered sigmoidoscopy an essential part of the investigation , but would do it if the patient was an unreliable historian .
17 Men wearing white gloves moved it , but you could n't see them do it as the bodies were out of shot . ’
18 And I had three more telephone enquiries e and they were by telephone , they 're in a hurry , you know , can you do it until the fifteenth of May , or can you do it until February something .
19 I 've got to phone up Sunday I 'll say he ca n't do it until the spring cos dad 's got he suffers with his chest .
20 But erm what I am going to do but I ca n't do it until the spring erm at least until erm has cut the grass for the first time
21 I 'm allowed to do it once the nails have begun to grow round and underneath their toes .
22 If you have yet to record a scene which will end the tape in a suitable way — maybe a farewell wide shot of the whole park , or of people beginning to pack up and go home — now is the time to do it before the battery goes completely and the camcorder switches itself off .
23 The country did n't have the will to do it and the politicians did n't have the will to do it .
24 There is no right or wrong way to do it and the timing is never easy or ideal .
25 They chose Guy Fawkes ' night to do it and the gesture went unnoticed — he found a lesson even in this .
26 One apparent stumbling block to mounting more research is that we lack qualified people to do it or the resources to employ or deploy them , but as so often , a wider and less conventional look at the problem reveals one possible solution .
27 One of you 's got grievance and you want something done , there is something that you want done and the other person , is the person you want to do it or the person who 's got a part to play .
28 ‘ Personally , I do n't believe my uncle will be able to bring himself to do it when the moment actually comes .
29 Well it says if you have to do it when the television 's on , we never have the television off
30 Peter Zahn 23 , urged his wife to do it because the boy had spread stories about him , Teesside Crown Court was told .
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