Example sentences of "do not [vb infin] up " in BNC.

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1 Irina , who did not dress up for Ludens , was wearing a simple faded old dress , frail with much washing , the sleeves rolled up well above her elbows .
2 They did not give up their privileges easily .
3 The petition did not succeed , but the governors did not give up .
4 But Booth did not give up .
5 Orkney Islands Council did not give up without a fight .
6 Yet still Lesley still did not give up , keeping after her attacker and sending a radio SOS to police control with her call sign , Delta Romeo Three Two .
7 Fergie did not give up easily .
8 The member of parliament did not give up his efforts to find a place for the young officer , but the close connection between parliamentary politics and placement was made abundantly clear by Scott 's insistence to his correspondent that the young man 's father , a Dundee councillor , would first have to make clear ‘ whether he is to be friendly ’ to the politician .
9 But the Padre did not give up easily .
10 Storms blew down the trees , fires ravaged the plantation , dry years killed our saplings — but we did not give up , we laboured on ! "
11 The report suggested that the Bulgarian leadership did not give up the idea until Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union in 1985 .
12 Despite moments of despondency , de Gaulle himself certainly did not give up hope .
13 The rocks missed him , yet Jack did not give up and set alight the forest .
14 The things which came out in therapy did not make up a complete , finished jigsaw , as I might have imagined .
15 As in the recent past , and as was to be the case with much greater frequency after the start of the Five-Year Plans , planners in Moscow drew up neat and rather abstract formulations that did not match up closely with local realities and timings .
16 When I started to make it up to my horror I found the stripes did not match up front and back .
17 But the pair returned to Britain a few weeks ago after homesick Joanna complained that Rome did not match up to Newcastle .
18 An independent report found that many of the plants did not match up to European safety standards , burned high sulphur coal , and were badly sited .
19 Alistair did not go up to Leeds for the weekend .
20 She did not go up to London to see her lover without first drawing fifteen pounds out of her bank account , and thinking up a convincing story to tell her parents , and packing a good book to read on the train ( it was U.S.A. by John dos Passos , and she had read four and a half pages of it before she had been interrupted by her neighbour 's knee ) , and looking up her lover 's address in the A to Z.
21 Dermot joined me at Magdalen for my fourth year at Oxford ; Roddy did not go up to Oxford until the year after I had left .
22 We did not go up in the same lift , but were taken to another one , apparently for the use of directors only .
23 But the benefit that the trees obtained from being tall did not go up .
24 Our prices did not go up at the same rate .
25 Peggy did not go up to apologise to her great-grandmother ; she was too busy doing the work that had been Rosie 's routine .
26 The smoke will not fall exclusively on your garden merely because you alone did not pay up .
27 At the presentation , Sir Humphry did not pass up the chance to impress upon the business world the great value of science to their endeavours : ‘ Science , gentlemen , is of infinitely more importance to a state than may at first sight appear possible ; for no source of wealth and power can be entirely independent of it ; and no class of men are so well able to appreciate its advantages as that to which I am addressing myself .
28 I 'm afraid we did not measure up to the standards set by the well-hung Spanish men who drifted around with flies bulging to the point of bursting their buttons .
29 ‘ No , I 'm afraid your Lt. Vologsky did not measure up at all .
30 That arranged between Henry V and Duke Philip of Burgundy , imposed upon the sick king , Charles VI , and then formally registered ( or approved ) by France 's highest judicial body , the Parlement , did not carve up the kingdom , at least not on paper .
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