Example sentences of "do not [verb] being " in BNC.

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1 A few things nettled her : she did not relish being a clearing house for family complaints , for instance , and was carefully reticent on such occasions .
2 Mrs Thatcher , in effect , did not anticipate being linked to the monetary system of an increasingly interventionist Europe in her political lifetime .
3 The West Midlands Area Tories , to which organisation Arden belonged , were holding a dance to the music of the Majorettes , but David did not fancy being enveloped in clouds of blue tulle .
4 With my wife 's reluctant agreement ( she did not fancy being left on her own with our two year old son for over a week ) , we started to plan our journey .
5 She did not deserve being pilloried like that at all .
6 I learned quickly that she did not like being ‘ told ’ .
7 She did not like being a victim .
8 Maisie , like Henry , did not like being lifted .
9 He had very few spare clothes and did not like being found out .
10 Whether it was because she knew she was my baby and did not like being with ward Sister , I shall not know , but she only gained two ounces the first week .
11 Lewis did not like being corrected but he had to take it , and with a smile .
12 Congressmen and senators did not like being bombarded with an estimated eighty legislative proposals in Carter 's first year and were unim-pressed by his resistance to compromise , his aversion to bargaining and his threats to go over their heads directly to the people .
13 In the end she decided that she did not like being a sightseer : the role filled her with an obscure rage .
14 She did not like being touched , not ever !
15 ‘ She was very proud of her success , not guilty , and did not like being made to feel so , ’ one friend explained .
16 His face showed he had fought against passion and won , but did not like being the winner .
17 Owen did not like being reminded that he was , so far as police work was concerned , an amateur .
18 George did not like being firm with Lennie but he knew that he had to be cruel to be kind .
19 She said it was fine , providing he did not mind being one of a crowd .
20 This last statement should be noticed — he disliked assemblies and places where speeches were made at length and he did not enjoy being a chairman — but he made this single exception , the Convocation of York ; he always gave a presidential address , about which he took much trouble .
21 The original plan was that Anita would do the cooking and her husband would serve the customers , but she did not enjoy being behind the scenes and eventually taught Gordon to be a fine cook while she spent her time out front chatting up the customers .
22 And unfortunately , I told him in graphic detail , and thereby of course , lost a contract , because he turned out to be the most senior person in the room , and he did not enjoy being humiliated in that way .
23 The economy did not appreciate being forced up-market ; it went into a brief recession .
24 Universities forced to reduce staff numbers by half after the science council concluded that they were grossly oversubscribed did not appreciate being asked to take in outsiders at a further cost to their own numbers .
25 She did not appreciate being manhandled .
26 She did not remember being formally instructed by anyone , not even the older girls , though in some houses , men were evidently called in to show girls how to handset .
27 First , elected political leaders do not view being in government as their only goal , and they can easily compensate for losing office by finding remunerative employment elsewhere , especially in the USA , where only the corporate rich run for major offices anyway .
28 I do not mean being reactionary , simply going back to a past state of affairs , I mean reaction as the antithesis of action .
29 Journalists do not mind being reminded so long as they do not think you are pressing them to write something they can not be sure will be published .
30 I do not mind being told what I can not do , so long as I can accede to an adequate reason why .
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